Disney Block is an Abrams Block Book that combines popular quotes from class Disney films in a board book that’ll last generations.

Disney Block continues the Peskimo charm, this time with pixie dust

Alphablock and Countablock, released in 2013 and 2014, have taught tens of thousands of children their alphabet or how to count. Our family is certainly in that group, as both boys learned their basics from them. Those books are part of the Abrams Block Book series and since then, they’ve expanded to fun, entertainment topics, as well as, the educational building blocks of the English language. Disney Block, Magical Moments For Fans of Every Age is an Abrams Block Book that takes the format of these books and captures 25 moments from classic Walt Disney films.

These quotes are written on scenes from classic films that most kids will grow up seeing. Disney Block runs the gamut from Walt’s first film, Bambi in 1937 to their massive hit in 2019, Frozen 2. It would be easy to say that kids need to be a Disney fan in order to enjoy this book. However, it’s also impossible for elementary school kids not to have seen half of these films, or to be aware of the cultural impact of these films.

It’s also important to know that your favorite Disney film might not be shown in Disney Block. That’s only due to the fact that only 25 movie scenes can be shown. Half of the book highlights the modern age of Disney Animation, which includes those Beauty and the Beast in 1991 and those more recent.

The thing that makes these ‘block’ books so effective is their durability and presentation. Any board book, or those that are meant for crawlers and up, is how strong its spine and pages are. To that end, Disney Block is a tank of a board book that will last generations. The front, back cover, and spine is .30 of a centimeter wide and each page is .10 thick. Our Block Books have been through two toddlers and still have their pages and spine intact. These are books that both kids grew up with, read at their leisure in their crib or bed, turned their own pages, and had untold opportunities to rip them to shreds.  

Peskimo, a husband-and-wife illustrator team does the graphic design on the illustrations in these books. They’re bright, full of life, and are corner-to-corner covered with art that makes you want to see what’s on the next page. The pages are die-cut which further makes young readers curious. They can see something through the page they’re currently looking at through a shape that’s been cut out.  Any Disney book wouldn’t be complete with hidden Mickeys and Disney Block has hidden Mickey ears in each scene. These are mouse ears that aren’t immediately obvious but can be located by looking carefully over the pages. There are lots of hidden Mickeys onsite at any Disney park too.

If you’re looking for a board book that engages and entertains ages one and up this is a series that will stand the test of time. They’ve released books on Marvel, dinosaurs, the city, and more. If classic cinema or Disney is your jam then Disney Block will be just the sort of board book comfort food for ages one and up.

Disney Block, Magical Moments For Fans of Every Age is by Peskimo and on Abrams Appleseed, an imprint of Abrams Books.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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