Pocket Piggies Christmas! Is seasonal, board book, comfort food for those newborns through toddlers.

Pocket Piggies Christmas! brings home the board book bacon

When I think back to the baby shower gifts we received there were some that rose above others. At both ends of the spectrum were an expensive glass vase and a 24-pack of Hot Wheels. The Hot Wheels cars both boys played with for hours and that vase is in the kitchen where it catches coins, spare batteries or other non-elegant things that it’s not suited for. Somewhere in the middle of these gifts are the board books that our boys enjoyed. In that vein, Pocket Piggies Christmas! is a board book that knows its audience and really delivers the bacon.

Pocket Piggies Christmas! Is seasonal, board book, comfort food for those newborns through toddlers.

Featuring the Teacup Pigs of Pennywell Farm with photographs by Richard Austin this board book will make those newborns through early toddlers squeal with delight. I was unfamiliar with teacup pigs, however, their appearance is exactly like one would assume from its name. They’re small pigs that are  impossibly cute. When you pair each sweet swine with some sort of Christmas garb or seasonal swag you’ve got happy pigs that will make small children happy.

Pocket Piggies Christmas! Is seasonal, board book, comfort food for those newborns through toddlers.

The colors on the pages are varied and will stimulate those developing senses. The images are cute. There’s a teacup pig rooting around in a pot with dirt all over its head. You’ll see a teacup pig with a bow around its neck who is laying down on some piano keys.

Pocket Piggies Christmas is the sort of boar book that’s great as a stocking stuffer for those kids who are one-year-old. It also works as a baby shower gift and is one that will actually be used for its intended purpose, unlike the $60 vase you were thinking about getting. The pages are dependable thick board material and will hold up for at least two crawlers. Plus, as the book is only priced at $6.95, you won’t mind if kids spend time with the book alone in their crib.

Pocket Piggies Christmas features photographs by Richard Austin and is available on Workman Publishing.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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