7 Tips to Throw a Costume Party on a Budget

7 Tips to Throw a Costume Party on a Budget

Costume parties are a great way to celebrate Halloween, especially when you go all out on food and drinks. Unfortunately, throwing a costume party can also cost quite a bit of money, so it’s tough for some people. If you want to throw a costume party on a budget, try these seven tips.

1. Host at Home

Throwing a party at your favorite local party venue is always fun, but that also costs a lot of money. When you add that to the money you’ll likely have to spend on party rentals, you need a pretty big budget to host a Halloween party. Fortunately, you can save money by hosting a party at home. If your home isn’t large enough for a party, you can ask one of your friends to host.

2. Find Printable Resources

A quick Google search for “Halloween party resources” will bring up plenty of printables for you to use. These resources include everything from decorations to best costume scoring sheets, so take advantage of all the free printables on the internet. Of course, you can always make your own decorations to print out, too.

3. Try a Couple Costume

Costumes can be expensive, especially if you’re trying to make your own realistic costume. If you want to save a little bit of money dressing up this year, couple’s costumes are a good way to create cohesion between couples and solve the dressing-up problem. With couple costumes, you can be confident knowing you’ve got a perfect match at the party with you.

4. Get Help from Friends

If you’re having trouble coming up with the money you need to host a Halloween party, ask your friends to help out in small ways. By having one friend bring paper plates and plastic cups while another brings cookies and treats, you can save a little bit of money and involve your friends in the party planning process, so it’s a win-win.

5. The Dollar Store

It might not be the prettiest way to save money when throwing a party, but a trip to the dollar store can save you a ton of money. You can find just about everything at dollar stores, from drinkware, plates, and silverware to decorations, snacks, and drinks. Most of the stuff you buy at the dollar store is significantly cheaper than it would be at regular stores, so this is a great money-saving solution.

6. Play Party Games

Finding ways to keep everybody entertained can be tough when you’re on a budget, but party games make it easy. There are tons of party games to choose from, including Halloween-themed games and regular party games. Whether you’ve got card games or dice lying around, or you simply create your own party games, they’re a great source of free entertainment.

7. Affordable Food & Drinks

You might be tempted to choose fancy foods and beverages for your party, but try to opt for something a little more affordable. Your guests aren’t going to mind if you didn’t buy the fanciest bottle of liquor to make a punch, nor will they care whether the vegetables in the salsa are organic. If you want to celebrate Halloween on a budget, make sacrifices in the right places, so you have money to spend on the things that really matter.

Halloween is a ton of fun, but hosting a costume party on a budget can be stressful. The best thing you can do is take advantage of money-saving resources, such as the dollar store. As long as you don’t cut too many corners, your costume party is sure to be a huge success.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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