How to Decorate Your Apartment: 5 Tips

How to Decorate Your Apartment: 5 Tips

When it comes to your apartment, finding the style that suits you requires you to do some research to find the style that feels personal to you. It is essential to consider how color schemes and individuality combine to create a space. Here are five tips on decorating your apartment and making it feel personal to you!

1. Decorate With Photos

The easiest way to personalize your space is to decorate with photos of friends and family. You can create a gallery to display throughout your apartment to feature some of your favorite images. You can choose the frames and display layouts that make the most sense to you and your style. Wooden surfaces can create warmth and connection, and shadowbox frames can add dimension.

Additionally, consider looking into custom picture canvas for a modern take on picture framing. You will enjoy seeing reminders of your favorite memories every time you notice these photos in your apartment. 

2. Create A Focal Point

Another way to decorate your apartment is to create center areas or focal points in each room. Using focal points helps achieve a state of balance in each room to feel grounded and your eyes are not overwhelmed by the space. A great way to center a room is to incorporate a coffee table or shared space.

Consider the layout of an LG studio kitchen. The counter is in the center of the room because it is a shared space. If you want to create this effect in your bedroom, consider adding a bench at the foot of your bed. There are so many ways to create balance, especially in apartments. You only have so much space to work with, so finding the center is easy.

How to Decorate Your Apartment: 5 Tips

3. Add Pops Of Color

Even if you have a more minimalist style or enjoy working primarily with neutral colors, a few touches of blue or green can add the pizzazz you need to customize your space. If you want to add more energy into your room, play with pops of color using accents like throw pillows and couch blankets. You can also hang up colorful curtains instead of shades.

4. Add New Lights

To add ambiance to your space, consider playing with different lights and tones of light. For example, you might throw some string lights on your headboard or frame some around your mirror.

In a different room, you might use a mix of white and yellow light to create a two-tone effect. You can also consider the lighting features in your futuristic home tech. See if your refrigerator gives off blue light at night or if your LED bulbs are available in certain tones.

Different lighting creates different elements of ambiance for a space. If you want a bright and clean effect:

  1. Go with lighter tones like white and dull LED bulbs.
  2. For a warmer glow, choose dark yellow.
  3. If you’re looking to create a sanctuary for sleep, consider using red lightbulbs. 

5. Add More Wall Mirrors

Mirrors create the illusion of space. Seeing the reflection of part of a room gives you the sense that there is more space in total for that given room. Start displaying wall mirrors around your apartment so you can create the added space you might be wanting in your apartment.

Give Your Apartment A Makeover 

Decorating your apartment is about finding the accent pieces and arrangements that reflect your style and personality. Likewise, the colors you choose and the lighting you work with all influence your space’s overall appeal. Consider the above tips as you makeover your apartment. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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