Words of the World is a series of multilingual board books that combing basic words to collage images representing them in six, go-to languages.

Words of the World, multilingual board book fun

In my opinion, one of the greatest keys to job security is being able to speak more than one language fluently. While it’s not bulletproof, it does assure you of having another channel from which to market whatever it is that you’re doing. The key to getting children primed to speak more than one language is immersing them in that second pool as quickly as possible. Words of the World is a series of board books aimed at those newborns through five-year-old kids. They have simple words in seven of the world’s most-spoken languages that are accompanied by collage artwork done by Motomitsu Maehara.

Words of the World is a series of multilingual board books that combing basic words to collage images representing them in six, go-to languages.

As of this writing, Words of the World has Plants, Animals, Birds and Ocean Animals in their lineup, but the series format could easily be expanded to other things. If you’re familiar with the Abrams Block Book then you can imagine how the series could be populated. These books have the right price point, around $10 new, parents want their kids to learn a second language and the collages make them appealing to look at.

Words of the World is a series of multilingual board books that combing basic words to collage images representing them in six, go-to languages.

The Words of the World book series has words in English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Esperanto. I had to look up Esperanto too. Realistically, any population who speaks the first six languages listed will be able to enjoy the books. That latter language is worth researching if nothing else just to dig into its history. If you subscribe to the colloquial theory that Italian is a merge of Spanish and French, or Ebonics is a language, then the story of Esperanto is a rabbit hole that you’ll quickly fall into.

As they sit, the bundled collection of Words of the World is entertaining and will engage those newborns through pre-K kids well as they learn new words and experience new things.

Words of the World is a multilingual board book series with illustrations by Motomitsu Maehara and available on Blue Dot Kids Press.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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