I’ll Take Care of You, is poetry that kids can get onboard with

Poetry is a tough nut for elementary school readers to crack. Some might find it too boring, too slow or are unable to grasp the plot of it. If there’s not a traditional story arc to the poem, then it’s even more challenging. It can be vague, esoteric, pointless and excuse to simply kick or bother the person next to you when it’s read aloud. Believe me when I say this because I read poetry to elementary school ages on a weekly basis and it’s not because I’m a glutton for having students kicked who otherwise want to be left alone. I’ll Take Care of You is a great poetry book for elementary school students. It’s easy to see how this is an illustrated poetry book that those ages will dig in spring, but here’s why it’s good anytime of the year and how to present poetry to elementary ages.

I’ll Take Care of You, oversized-landscape presentation of its nature watercolors is soft-sell poetry that works for elementary ages.
Fear not the poetry books for the elementary ages…if ye present them in a fun manner

Words of the World, multilingual board book fun

In my opinion, one of the greatest keys to job security is being able to speak more than one language fluently. While it’s not bulletproof, it does assure you of having another channel from which to market whatever it is that you’re doing. The key to getting children primed to speak more than one language is immersing them in that second pool as quickly as possible. Words of the World is a series of board books aimed at those newborns through five-year-old kids. They have simple words in seven of the world’s most-spoken languages that are accompanied by collage artwork done by Motomitsu Maehara.

Words of the World is a series of multilingual board books that combing basic words to collage images representing them in six, go-to languages.
Board books with brains and without boarders

Our World Out of Balance ecologically nails climate change for kids

Just yesterday we reviewed a climate change book aimed at early elementary-aged readers. That book was the opposite of Our World Out of Balance, Understanding Climate Change and What We Can Do by Andrea Minoglio and Laura Fanelli. That’s a scary title, isn’t it? Our World Out of Balance sounds like it would be an alarmist, riot grrl, worst case, handbook for skipping school on Friday and blaming the environment for it. Instead, Our World Out of Balance is a STEM-focused, scientific-minded, cause and effect illustrated book that will make kids think and want to solve, instead of panic and freak out.

This is STEM-based, edu-taianment reading at its best
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