Tips on adopting a dog into a family with children

The other day I was talking to a parent and they told me that they wanted a dog; but thought against it because they have a child.  Before being a parent I did social media and PR for an animal shelter.    I’m a firm believer that a dog has more benefits to a family environment than downfalls.   Continue reading Tips on adopting a dog into a family with children

Our cats and dogs loved the treats from Mr. –and giveaway!

When my wife married me she knew that she’d get all of my bad habits, large comic book collection, as well as Wilson, Abby, Ripley and Gianni.  Wilson and Abby are our two retrievers and Ripley and Gianni are the two cats that I rescued from a box when they were only a couple weeks old.  When I got the chance to review it was as natural a fit as cat hair on the sofa.  Continue reading Our cats and dogs loved the treats from Mr. –and giveaway!

How do you deal with a stray dog when you’re with your child?

Loose dogs are everywhere.  Some areas have more than others and they vary in size.    Is it a stray/unwanted dog or simply a dog that got away from its home?  What you do about the stray dog depends on how involved you want to be in the situation.  Continue reading How do you deal with a stray dog when you’re with your child?

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

In a couple of weeks our second child, More Mojo will be here.  As we prepare the infant clothes and get the nursery ready we’re relieved that the house is already babyproofed.  In hindsight it was easy to babyproof; we just didn’t do some of it in a timely manner.  Parents can avoid our mistakes by taking advantage of these helpful hints. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

A bunny is a bad gift this Easter

As an animal guy this dad is all for getting a pet for the family.  Any pet that is being adopted should always have plenty of thought regarding expenses, lifestyle and considerations if said pet is appropriate for your situation.  Lastly, the adoption process shouldn’t be motivated by popular trends or holidays.  If Disney releases a movie about the cute exploits of a porcupine dog that smells of sulfur, but has cute eyes and loves children then parents around the world would be looking for this smelly beast to adopt. Continue reading A bunny is a bad gift this Easter

Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

I like to save money.  You probably do too.  Pets can really round out a family.  The lessons that cats and dogs can teach our children add up to help shape them into young adults who don’t run and hide at the sight of a pet.    I met an adult one time who was genuinely scared of cats, shaking, crying, the whole nine yards, THAT woman needed a pet growing up. Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

Keeping family pets safe on Halloween

Most of the families that we know do have a pet of some kind.  That’s a great thing because pets can really teach children a lot about responsibility, as well as, provide laughter and lots of love.  Just like young children, Halloween can be a confusing time of year for our cats and dogs.  These tips will help you get through Halloween, with a happy, healthy pet.

Continue reading Keeping family pets safe on Halloween

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