Your Nose! is classic Boynton whimsy and joy

Sandra Boynton is the queen of board books. We’ve still got the board books that our now 10 year-old read when he was crawling across the floor. He’s sitting here beside me as I write this and commented that he remembered her books. Not to fact check him, but I went through the books that she’s written and illustrated and sure enough, the ones that I know are upstairs (in the secret box of baby stuff) were the ones that said he remembered. While it’s certainly possible to have all of her books, we only have eight of them, with many of their corners chewed, just a little bit. Your Nose! Is somewhere north of release number 75 for Boynton and continues the timeless quality and charm as her classics.

Sandra Boynton, queen of the board book, is back with your nose!

Indestructibles by Workman Publishing takes board books to the next level

To parents who read to newborns and toddlers board books can be their go-to solace. However, all board books are not created equal. They might have spines that are thinner than others or content that just doesn’t appeal to the audience. Granted, the later is a preference thing, however, given that you’re reading to infants or babies who are between birth and two they probably won’t be too picky. To that end, Workman Publishing has a series of books on their Indestructibles line that truly live up to their name.  

Indestructibles is a book imprint from Workman Publishing whose books are durable, rip-proof, colorful and perfect for newborns through two.
weak baby books these are not

Astro Cat goes board book in Cosmic Machines and Into The Unknown

The Astro Cat series is brilliant. They present high concept STEM ideas into graphically pleasing books that make you want to learn. Dr. Dominic Walliman provides the science and Ben Newman presents the illustrations that make the content effortless to look at. Walliman’s text breaks down the complex ideas that could potentially spin our heads and presents it in a manner that’s appropriate for children. Astro Kittens is the board book series from this duo. Cosmic Machines and Into The Unknown take the same concept in Astro Cats and package it  in a way that crawlers can consume.

Astro Kittens is the board book series featuring the go-to art and education by Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman, this time for even younger kids.
If you’re looking for smart board books for young babies, this is where to start
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