Let’s Power Up!, early elementary real-world look at currents

The time for rubbing our hands to our body before we touch the door knob or open the freezer section at the grocery store is nigh. As an adult, I know that it’s the build-up of something and when I touch the metal thing it gives me a shock. Also, as an adult, I just learned why this only happens in cooler weather. Enter Chris Ferrie, an author who has a sweet spot for writing science-themed books geared at younger readers. He’s written about Quantum Physics for Babies, My First 100 Space Words, plus many more, as well as, Let’s Power Up!. Let’s Power Up!, Charging into the Science of Electric Currents with Electrical Engineering is a very smart illustrated book, but will kids want to read it?

Let’s Power Up! is an engaging illustrated book that early elementary students can understand about electricity and currents.
STEM-minded illustrated book for early elementary

My First 100 Space Words allows young kids to be smart

Chris Ferrie is smarter than us and that’s ok. It’s his books that we like and if you have a newborn through twelve years old they are books that need to be on their radar. Quantum Physics for Babies is light reading. It’s a board book that presents concepts that many adults, including myself, would have zero chance of understanding if Ferrie were to take the material and explain it to me as an adult. My First 100 Space Words takes the same faith that babies are able to learn things the more that they’re around it and apply it to space.

A smart board book for crawlers through elementary
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