All age comic books for February 5

This week in new all age comic books is deep. It’s not high brow, rather, there are a huge amount of titles out this week and many of the heavy hitters in elementary aged comic books and graphic novels have new efforts out. In the podcast we’ll chat about Stig & Tilde, Power Rangers and TMNT, Disney PIXAR, new Plants vs. Zombies and more. If you have a child in elementary school there are two must-haves out and that’s Owly and Hilo. Elementary aged readers know Owly, but they know the black & white version. Creator Andy Runton has reproduced his original book with new lines and full color. The books are printed by Graphix and kids 6-10 will love it. If you’re reader is 8-12 then Hilo is a graphic novel series that can easily be one of their favorites. Hilo: All The Pieces Fit is the sixth and final entry into this series. It’s full of heart, humor and action. Our 10 year-old has been asking for this book ever since the fifth book ended. We’ve pre-ordered our copy and can’t wait to read it. Now, here’s a look at all of the new all age comic books this week.

All age comic books, kid comic books, all age comics, comic books, Disney Frozen, Disney PIXAR, The Boy Who Became A Dragon, Hilo, Hilo The Pieces Fit, Plants Vs. Zombies, Snapdrago, Stig & Tilde, Daddy Mojo,
Hilo, Plants vs. Zombies, Bruce Lee, Disney Pixar-it’s a big week for all age comic books
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