DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

When my wife and I moved into our house it came with an extensive outdoor lighting set up.  In the front yard alone there are 20 lights.  In the back yard there are about 20 more, all of the lights are metal and the entire system runs on three transformers.  We live on a normal sized lot, mind you, it’s just a very well lit lot.  Continue reading DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

At several points in my life a large majority of my clothing had paint, dirt, rips or scuffs on it.  My wife once said that I looked like a cat burglar because I was going to sleep in all black clothing that had paint splotches all over them.  Thankfully she didn’t call the cops on me, but she did make me get rid of most of my handyman clothing. Continue reading Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Replace a Doorbell Chime

My wife and I have lived in our house for three years.  During that period the doorbell has never worked.   We have two dogs and live in a cul de sac, if anybody approached the yard then it was bound to wake up at least one dog.  Some time in suburbia and father time have crept up on the dogs and people get to the front door now.  However, now there’s a newborn in the house and sleep for everybody is a priority; we needed a doorbell that’s not as jarring as two big dogs barking. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Replace a Doorbell Chime

Can the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program help Mojo’s garage?

At one point in my life I was a messy, disaster of a man.  I’ve written here how I once had to clean my house with a leaf blower.  One would think that such a public (and noisy) display of messiness would convince me to clean up my act and to an extent that is correct.  On the positive side, I’ve never had to clean the house with a leaf blower again, but certain areas of the house, namely the garage and office, are in constant need of organization and a clean-up. Continue reading Can the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program help Mojo’s garage?

DIY a stay at home dad can do-install a new roof

‘I didn’t know Mojo was a roofer’, some of you may be pondering.  Well, I’m not and roofing is a big time home repair that you will not attempt, unless you have a roofing company.  Instead this is a cautionary tale of what to look for in a roofing company and the story of a good roof gone bad.  Continue reading DIY a stay at home dad can do-install a new roof

DIY a stay at home dad can do-Unclog a disposal

Earlier this year we had the disposal replaced.   One of Toddler Mojos metal spoons had gotten jammed under the blades and had subsequently broken it.  Recently we had a bit of a panic attack when we tried to turn on our almost new disposal and it didn’t dispose of anything. Continue reading DIY a stay at home dad can do-Unclog a disposal

DIY a SAHD can do-refinish a tub, tile or sink

A bathtub that is chipping paint is not a good thing.  Structurally the tub is sound, but its outward appearance is screaming for a makeover.  If only chipped paint tasted like popcorn and weren’t somewhat of a hazard then there would be no problem.  However, in reality, chipped paint exposes the surface which can then honestly degrade the quality of the tub. Continue reading DIY a SAHD can do-refinish a tub, tile or sink

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Install a toilet paper holder

The chimpanzees faced the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.  They spent 20 minutes figuring out society, and then the monolith appears which rapidly increases the learning powers of the apes.  Next thing you know Roddy McDowell is wearing a monkey suit, Marky Mark does a bad remake and Rise of the Apes hits in August. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Install a toilet paper holder

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