Easter basket ideas for boys

Boys are different than girls. Certainly, both a 6 year old boy and girl would love a good Easter egg hunt. However, when it comes to Easter basket ideas for boys you should plan accordingly; lest you have egg on your face. Sure, some of the items below will cross over to the girl Easter baskets and vice versa. Being the dad to a 4 and 6 year old boy we know what they’re asking for in their Easter basket and here are a variety of ideas that range from bigger items like the Star Wars throw to a trip to your local $1 store.

Star Wars, Skylanders, comics, dollar store, National Geographic, Hot Wheels, Easter basket gift ideas for boys, star wars throw

We were provided with the Star Wars throw and National Geographic books for the post, but, it’s Star Wars and Nat Geo. Everything else was paid for by us and all of the items would rock a boy’s Easter basket like nobody’s business.


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The Bunny Burrow Buyer’s Book, clever, but familiar

Easter is a great time for bunny books. The Bunny Burrow Buyer’s Book by Steve Light takes a look at the every expanding size of George and Petunia Bunny’s family. They are bunnies after all and the old burrow for two just isn’t cutting it any more. The art and detail in the book will attract readers 4 and up and its vocabulary is simple enough for a 6 year old to read it with a little assistance.

The bunny burrow buyer’s book, bunny, steve light, young readers

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Daddy Mojo’s Last Minute Gift Guide

Aye caramba, it’s almost Christmas and you need something to complete that magical list for good boys, girls or yourself. Yeah, it’s quite obvious we push things to the last minute and this gift guide is for you. All of these items rock, are super durable and will absolutely do what they’re intended to do. It’s worth nothing that nobody paid to be here, but we were provided with samples for some of the items.

Daddy Mojo’s Last Minute Gift Guide

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This Christmas Comfy Critters partners with CHOA to make kids happy

Hey, we were provided with product for review, all thoughts are our own. The other day we went shopping and our 4 year old made a ‘pillow’ from the socks that we were buying. Sometimes both of our children use towels for blankets around the house. It’s not that we don’t have any blankets. It’s that most of our blankets are sized to fit beds and therefore, not convenient for small people to carry around. This is two issues that have one solution, Comfy Critters. When it’s folded up it becomes a character pillow, unfold it and you’ve got a blanket (with hood) that looks super cute.

It’s all of that plus through December 31 Comfy Critters is giving one away to a child at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for every one purchased. Your get the warm fuzzies by helping a child in the hospital that you’ll never meet and your child gets the warm feelies by keeping their Comfy Critter on them.

This Christmas Comfy Critters partners with CHOA to make kids happy

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Christmas Trade is a psuedo-seasonal lump of coal

Imagine a Christmas version of Big, then take away any of the wit and charm, dumb down the dialogue a little more and you’ve got an idea of Christmas Trade. It stars William Baldwin as a recently widowed dad to a young teen boy, played by Michael Campion. Denise Richards is Chloe, Baldwin’s girlfriend who hasn’t been introduced to Campion yet.

Christmas Trade is a pseudo-seasonal lump of coal

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‘Tis the Season For Love succeeds despite its translucence

Or perhaps it succeeds in spite of its translucence. Most Christmas movies have an element of cheese and transparency. They’re not going to have a Crying Game type surprise, the girl will usually find love and the family in need will get that job, present for their child or discover the true meaning of Christmas. ‘Tis the Season For Love is a great example of a by the numbers holiday film with just enough smaltz in all the right places to make for enjoyable viewing.

‘Tis the Season For Love succeeds despite its translucence

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The Night Before Christmas: A Brick Story, studly Santa

Take two things that are wildly popular with children. The Night Before Christmas and LEGO. One is a classic story about Santa Claus delivering presents, while the other is a brick based toy that generations of children have loved playing with. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of this first. The Night Before Christmas: A Brick Story is simply a LEGO retelling of that classic tale and our children are going bonkers for it.

The Night Before Christmas A Brick Story, studly Santa

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Ice Sculpture Christmas, an above par seasonal movie

My wife rope a doped me. We sat down to watch a Christmas movie. It’s one of those movies that you are certain how they end; it’s just a matter of how cheesy, well made and put together it is at the end. I am all for cheesy movies. However, Christmas cheese is its own variety, it’s one that my wife specializes in and we’ll be watching movies like this for the next month. File under: my wife really loves them so we’ll be watching them too. This month we’ll be watching as many potentially smaltzy Christmas holiday movies so that you don’t have to, unless you want to. However, in the case of Ice Sculpture Christmas, it’s a really good film that flies above most of the Christmas fare you’ll see on television or video.

Ice Sculpture Christmas, an above par seasonal movie

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