Me?, #ISleepTo get things done and love life #ad

I partnered with Life of Dad and Beautyrest for this campaign, but my opinions are my own. Enjoy it while you can. That’s what many people joking said about sleep before we had children. It was a glib comment for sure, but it was true and more accurate when the kids are younger. Now that our kids are marginally older (see: out of diapers and the crib) our night time sleep habits have somewhat returned to normal. That fact has been brought to the forefront since we started using the Beautyrest Sleeptracker Monitor.

To the new parents I say to them, enjoy those naps and relish that REM sleep. Rapid Eye Movement, I remember an interview from the early 80’s from Michael Stipe when he said that he knew REM made it big time when people stopped asking him what the band’s name stood for. For the first couple of years some parents might also forget what REM stands for.

Sleep, bed, beautyrest, beautyrest sleeptracker monitor, REM, bedtime, smartbed

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