Dr. Fauci, an illustrated book with background and keeps it straight

Let’s start this out by saying Dr. Fauci, How A Boy From Brooklyn Became America’s Doctor has nuggets that both the left and right will use for their talking points. In actuality, this is an illustrated book that plays it straight down the middle and it’s a shame that some people see absolutely everything through a political prism. Due to COVID, Fauci is of course a household name. Our nine-year-old, who has never seen a nightly newscast, knew who Dr. Fauci is during the height of the pandemic. This is a book that inspires curiosity and wants young readers to ask questions, which is something that everybody should agree on, right?

Dr. Fauci How A Boy From Brooklyn Became America’s Doctor is an illustrated book that shows the life of a young kid who grew up to become the medical face of COVID
Doctor, doctor, gimmie the news

Chirp, middle grade life & mystery, with a side dose of serious

Chirp is from author Kate Messner. She’s someone who your middle school student knows, who is probably chastising you for not buying this book or getting it from the library yet. For us, Chirp is a great representation of why middle school audiences love Messner’s books. They look at the life of an early teenager from a fun angle, but also address some of the serious things that might be going on in their life.

Crickets, growing up, friends and confronting the uncomfortable
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