A Dinosaur Named Ruth, old soul, patient story telling with charm

I wanted more. That is not something that you think to yourself after many books. A Dinosaur Named Ruth brings up that thought as soon as you read the last word on the final two pages that show a young girl, and a dinosaur, looking wistfully into the prairie. It’s also not the story that you know. The dinosaur was called Sue, wasn’t it? Well, a dinosaur was called that, however, this story has more numerous subjects, and one that plays out in a more patient manner. It’s also worth noting that Ruth (the dinosaur) was discovered by its more famous T-Rex dinosaur who was found just down the road.  

A Dinosaur Named Ruth is the story that you think that you know, but instead is patient tale about knowing what you have.
A dino tale that elementary, illustrated book fans haven’t heard

Dr. Fauci, an illustrated book with background and keeps it straight

Let’s start this out by saying Dr. Fauci, How A Boy From Brooklyn Became America’s Doctor has nuggets that both the left and right will use for their talking points. In actuality, this is an illustrated book that plays it straight down the middle and it’s a shame that some people see absolutely everything through a political prism. Due to COVID, Fauci is of course a household name. Our nine-year-old, who has never seen a nightly newscast, knew who Dr. Fauci is during the height of the pandemic. This is a book that inspires curiosity and wants young readers to ask questions, which is something that everybody should agree on, right?

Dr. Fauci How A Boy From Brooklyn Became America’s Doctor is an illustrated book that shows the life of a young kid who grew up to become the medical face of COVID
Doctor, doctor, gimmie the news

The Only Woman In The Photo is the most famous woman you don’t know

The Only Woman In The Photo is a book title that really baits the hook. Why was she the only woman in the photo? In this #MeToo era it conjures up all manner of scheming or wily characters that are lurking in or out of the picture frame. In reality, The Only Woman In The Photo has a much larger and impactful scope. This is the story of Frances Perkins, a woman whose work we come across daily due to the time she spent working in the White House.

Frances Perkins isn’t a household name, but millions are impacted by her work everyday
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