The Good Dog Collection does elementary readers great

There is a book for every age and season of the emerging reader. Some of the books that young students can read have a very wide aged audience. That’s further complicated due to the fact that the jump to chapter books can be daunting for some kids. Our youngest is still struggling with going from simple chapter books to those with a more advanced narrative. A child’s confidence plays a big part in their reading level too. All of this boils down to a great series of books, Good Dog, that has now released the first four in that series into one compilation that will fill the bill for kids in K through fourth grade.

Good Dog is a long-term bridge for readers in k-4 as they level up

Super Turbo Saves the Day! a true all-age graphic novel

I’m in a third-grade class right now. A mere ten minutes ago I was teaching the kids writing while some of the brighter kids started talking about the books they’re reading. Rick Riordan was the main author that those kids were talking about. Some of these nine-year-old students aren’t as advanced when it comes to reading. I heard some of the kids call their books ‘baby books’, so I had to jump in and clear things up.

This is not a ‘baby book’, nor is it actually the book that those kids were reading. It also may not be the first time that readers in your house have seen a Super Turbo book.

What we have here is Super Turbo Saves the Day!, an all-age graphic novel from Little Simon. This is truly for all ages. Those kids who are only five years old can pick up Super Turbo and make some sight words or at least really enjoy the pictures. Getting your pre-k or kindergarten-aged student to eagerly look forward to carrying around a book, even if they can’t read all of the words yet is half of the battle.

Fun graphic novels for ages five and up is what ye see here matey

The Coldfire Curse, a graphic novel that elementary ages will want to read

I just read an illustrated book to a first-grade class. It was a pleasant enough book. They enjoyed it because they knew the story so well that they memorized the words and it represented a time when they don’t have to work. The book was also far too easy for them. Some of the kids were so bored that they simply put their heads on their desks and listened to an all too enthusiastic substitute teacher read it to them. In my experience teaching children, it’s not that they don’t want to read, it’s that they want to read books that are entertaining. The Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly, The Coldfire Curse by Jordan Quinn is a graphic novel that classes like that would devour during their free reading time.

This all-age graphic novel is the dragon bomb, great for ages 5 and up
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