Be The Dragon, self-help for kids that’s disguised as fun reading

Our 9YO is still trying to figure out who he is. He knows what he doesn’t like and is constantly trying to figure out a shortcut to get to the things or characteristics that he does want to emulate. That is a work in progress as any parent or educator can attest to. Be The Dragon, 9 Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Magic seeks to help those kids aged eight and up ask and answer questions that might direct them to figure things out a little bit.   

Be The Dragon is self-help for ages 8 and up that’s loaded with great, engaging art, fun quizzes and stories they can relate to.
Self-help for the 8YO you seek…

Undersea Mystery Club has just the ticket for early elementary girls

Undersea Mystery Club, Problem at the Playground is the first in a series of books by epic! originals on Andrews McMeel Publishing. Violet is a purple mermaid who lives in Aquamarina with Wally, her narwhal. This is logical because if an early elementary reader series of books is going to have a fish in the story it had better be the closest real animal to a unicorn out there. They’re near the city’s new park for its grand opening, only it’s evident that something is immediately wrong.

Undersea Mystery Club is one that early elementary girls will want to join
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