All age comic books for July 1

It’s new comic book day and the all age comic books this week are up to their pre-holiday routine. By that I mean that there are some, but not at the number that there usually are. Publishers are back up to their release schedule, it’s simply that the Wednesday before a holiday is light. Having said that, this week has two great graphic novels in the vein of Science Comics from :01 First Second. Check out History Comics, The Great Chicago Fire or The Roanoke Colony, they’re from :01 First Second, so I bet that the quality and great storytelling behind Science Comics is front and center there also.

In all age comic books, check out Marvel Action Classics Avengers starring Iron Man #1. This series from IDW Publishing is awesome and great for kids in elementary school all the way through middle school.

check out the new all age comic books for this week
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