Kitty and Dragon, comfort book food for reluctant early elementary

Our 9-year-old son is an emerging reader. Sometimes he’s a reluctant reader, but that all depends on his mood. Recently we wrote about the Big Foot and Little Foot book series that is great for those emerging, reluctant readers. That series is great for those first through fourth graders that are comfortable reading chapter books with lots more words than pictures. If your reader is on the younger end of that scale we discovered a new series that’s more graphic novel oriented, but still has chapter elements for those pre-k through second graders. It’s Kitty and Dragon and is great for those readers who want lots of pictures, but need to learn the skill of following the story by reading it too.

Those pre-k through second grade readers will love this book

With A Little Help From My Friends, the book feels hollow and short

The title to the post, With A Little Help From My Friends-the book, might seem odd; but it’s necessary to put it that way because the song has been turned into a children’s illustrated book. This is a children’s book that’s written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, or rather, it has the song’s lyrics as the written narrative for a story.  I’m not going to go all ‘back in my day’ or ‘kids these days’ because half of the genius of The Beatles was the lyrics to the melodies that they created. It’s also undeniable that With A Little Help From My Friends is an amazingly catchy song. The illustrated book is slightly more forgettable and that’s ironically due to the song.

A great song does not necessarily translate into a good book

Bobs’ and Tweets Scout Camp!, wide age pre-k through elementary book

Rhyming is the stuff of sight word books. Fans of Bobs’ and Tweets don’t agree with that look. This is a series that our eldest has loved for years. His copy of Trick or Treat is loaded with tears. Each entry is loaded with sight words and funny pictures. For kids through second grade, like those who might be struggling to read, this could be quite the beneficial mixture.

 Bobs and Tweets Scout Camp! is the sort of fun, rhyming, emerging reader chapter book that gets them hooked into a love of reading.
For elementary school readers, all of them, and even those pre-k kids who are digging sight words
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