Quest For The Golden Arrow, big scale middle Earth style fun for middle school


Time Stoppers, Quest For The Golden Arrow is the second book in the series by Carrie Jones. The first book in the series was one of our favorite releases of 2016. It was brisk, lively, fun and zipped along with parallel-world adventures about trolls, growing up and mystery. The sequel, Quest For The Golden Arrow is cut from a similar cloth and is a very good book, just more serious.

That’s not a bad thing, but the first book had such a sense of levity that reader who already enjoy the series might be taken off guard. Quest For The Golden Arrow starts out with a kidnapping bang and Mss. Cornelia, the elder time stopper has been taken prisoner by Raiff. Annie, the formerly nobody girl is practicing her abilities to stop time and this kidnapping put her and her friends at risk.

Carrie jones, time stoppers, time stoppers quest for the golden arrow, middle early, annie, miss cornelia,

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