Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is a great mid-elementary read

Getting an elementary-aged or early middle-grade child to want to read can be tricky. We all know that they need to read. We also know that later elementary ages and up, are most likely at a point where they’re reading to learn, instead of learning to read. If those students are in the former category but should be in the latter, then their schooling will be much harder than it needs to be. Our youngest child could be in that category, so we’re full-on trying to find books that speak to mid/upper-elementary readers. For some kids, Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is that fast racing vehicle that combines chapter book sensibilities, with the fun, goofy, surreal laughs that some kids want to read.

Revver the speedway squirrel is great mid-elementary laughs
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