Roto and Roy, Helicopter Heroes is just the ticket for your emerging reader

Kids of a certain age love rhyming books. These kids are mastering the art of walking, phrasing things like a big kid, and working on not having accidents. The books are those clever, heavily illustrated ones that have the goal of making pre-k through third graders as happy as clams. Author Sherri Duskey Rinker has been accomplishing that since 2011 with her illustrated book classic, Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site. It was then turned into a juggernaut of a book series incorporating any massive vehicle that could move dirt or pick up things. Her newest series of books is Roto and Roy, the first book is Helicopter Heroes and has a can-do, positive, attitude that ages four through eight will gleefully embrace with a smile.

Roto and Roy, Helicopter Heroes, is the start of a beautiful illustrated book friendship for pre-k through early elementary action readers.
Good, action-oriented rhyming fun for ages 4-8

Revver The Big Race Home, still ripping doughnuts for elementary school

Revver The Speedway Squirrel was one of the mid through early middle school comfort reads released in 2021. The premise about a squirrel and how he’s able to communicate with humans, in addition to not getting squished by cars going 150 miles an hour is inherently interesting to elementary school kids. It’s Frogger, but in a kidlit friendly way that makes you root for the squirrel and the humans. Revver The Speedway Squirrel: The Big Race Home sees our favorite squirrel traveling with the race crew. Reluctant elementary school readers unite because this book continues the folky, adventuresome tales of a rodent with a shade tale and a penchant for speed.

Back for more reluctant reading elementary school fun

Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is a great mid-elementary read

Getting an elementary-aged or early middle-grade child to want to read can be tricky. We all know that they need to read. We also know that later elementary ages and up, are most likely at a point where they’re reading to learn, instead of learning to read. If those students are in the former category but should be in the latter, then their schooling will be much harder than it needs to be. Our youngest child could be in that category, so we’re full-on trying to find books that speak to mid/upper-elementary readers. For some kids, Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is that fast racing vehicle that combines chapter book sensibilities, with the fun, goofy, surreal laughs that some kids want to read.

Revver the speedway squirrel is great mid-elementary laughs
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