Rust, Volume Two, Secrets of the Cell preview

Rust was one of the great graphic novels that I didn’t read. Things happened, I got distracted by shiny objects and other graphic novels popped up on my radar. The sequel to Rust, Volume Two, Secrets of the Cell is out and I understand the hype that surrounded the first one. Rust, The Secrets of the Cell is a graphic novel in the classic sense of the word. It provides the characters lots of space to breathe, tell their story and paces it in such a way that readers are rewarded with any perceived sparseness by a quality story with fabulous art. Rust is the story of a robot, a family, a mysterious stranger and programming cool robots. It’s great, full review coming later this week. For now though, check out some of the advance pages from the graphic novel.

Preview of Rust volume 2, Secrets of the Cell

Preview of Rust volume 2, Secrets of the CellPreview of Rust volume 2, Secrets of the Cell Continue reading Rust, Volume Two, Secrets of the Cell preview

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