Secret Coders: Paths & Portals, succeeds as a graphic novel and STEM tool

Secret Coders: Paths & Portals is the second book in the series by Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes. It’s a fascinating graphic novel that wears its love for STEM on its sleeve. It also manages to do so in a way that draws in non-coders in a way that will make them want to explore the subject matter more.

That’s important to point out because this is a graphic novel, but it’s unlike any one that you’ve read before.  Most graphic novels simply have the goal of being entertaining. Paths & Portals wants to be entertaining, as well as, show kids what coding can do, how it’s helpful and why it’s fun.

Josh, Professor Bee, Hopper,   Eni, Secret Coders, secret coders: paths & portals, gene luen yang, mike holmes, graphic novel

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