Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, the (Palpatine) Emperor has no clothes

When The Last Jedi came out I was reluctant to criticize it because the one before it was so entertaining. It had some built-in good will that made it relatively critic proof initially. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t arrive in movie theaters with that luxury. That’s unfortunate because the movie tries very hard to succeed. It jams so much content, loose plot stories and guest stars from previous films that the final third of the film feels like a talk show saying goodbye as previous guests walk on screen.  

I want to love you, but your script doesn’t make that a logical decision

Star Wars The Secrets of The Jedi, a light side primer

If Star Wars, The Secrets of The Jedi were a football playbook it would be 90% focused on the defensive side. For younger fans of The Force, especially given that The Rise of Skywalker is nigh, this is a great literary jumping on point for those that know a little bit about this famous family. The cover of The Secrets of The Jedi gives the Star Wars initiated a quick preview of what’s inside, or namely, what’s not inside. There aren’t any dark force characters on the book’s cover. There are a couple pages inside that hint to their evil, but the deep-dive to the dark side is left to another book.

A beautiful and detailed look at the Light Side of the Force this Is
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