Win a digital copy of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

The Force is with you, that’s what some people said about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  The final installment of the Skywalker Star Wars saga is out on digital and will be available on Blu-Ray March 31. This is the first Star Wars film that our 10 year-old really liked. That’s important to point out because no matter which side of the fence you sat on for this The Rise of Skywalker it’s a film that will be entertaining to those in upper elementary through high school.

Freebie! A great freebie!! Win a digital copy of Star Wars The Rise of skywalker

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, the (Palpatine) Emperor has no clothes

When The Last Jedi came out I was reluctant to criticize it because the one before it was so entertaining. It had some built-in good will that made it relatively critic proof initially. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t arrive in movie theaters with that luxury. That’s unfortunate because the movie tries very hard to succeed. It jams so much content, loose plot stories and guest stars from previous films that the final third of the film feels like a talk show saying goodbye as previous guests walk on screen.  

I want to love you, but your script doesn’t make that a logical decision
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