Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! expands Rot’s empire and story

Rot and Snot go through a lot. Previously we saw them in an illustrated book, now it’s many more pages in a book that they took. Tot, their little sister, joins the fray for this adventure. Tater Tales #1, The Greatest in the World!, takes the mutant potato adventures one step further than their previous jaunts in an illustrated book. Tater Tales #1 is an early reader chapter book that heavy on illustrations. One could call this a first graphic novel, but it’s more in line with an emerging reader’s graphic novel. It’s a subtle distinction, but one that will make the book very comfortable for third graders and older, plus a step up for most second graders.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.
It’s rot and snot, in an early reader chapter book/graphic novel all-skate
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