Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! expands Rot’s empire and story

Rot and Snot go through a lot. Previously we saw them in an illustrated book, now it’s many more pages in a book that they took. Tot, their little sister, joins the fray for this adventure. Tater Tales #1, The Greatest in the World!, takes the mutant potato adventures one step further than their previous jaunts in an illustrated book. Tater Tales #1 is an early reader chapter book that heavy on illustrations. One could call this a first graphic novel, but it’s more in line with an emerging reader’s graphic novel. It’s a subtle distinction, but one that will make the book very comfortable for third graders and older, plus a step up for most second graders.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.

With all of that kidlit categorization aside, let’s get to the fun stuff. Rot is a great character. The underdog nature of something succeeding or excelling when it’s unaware that it shouldn’t be doing as well as it’s perceived to be doing is fun to watch. The world’s perception of Rot is that he’s a mutant potato who loves to get dirty and is usually in a great mood. Snot, his older brother is crabby and over-confident. He challenges his younger brother to a sack and the two have trouble deciding who the referee should be.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.

It’s here when their little sister comes into the story. If you’ve read the two previous Rot books you are already thinking that the aforementioned description compromises the totality of an illustrated book’s plot, and you’re correct. Tater Tales 1 is a chapter book that combines the exuberant, manic happiness of rot, his surly brother, and the effervescent younger sister and gives them room to play in a longer story. It’s broken out into five approximately 10-page length chapters that have the traditional elements that chapter book readers will master.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.

There’s the building action, climax, falling climax, epilogue, song, potato facts, and how to draw Rot. Ok, some of those are not the typical elements that chapter books have, but that’s the point of Tater Tales. It’s a bridge book between illustrated books, early chapter books, and emerging graphic novels. It provides enough comfort and cover for those older kids to enjoy it without being judged by their younger classmates. The book has characters that younger elementary ages will know, and thus, feel more comfortable with going to a longer-form book.

Confidence is a lot of the battle in getting younger readers to move up to the next level of books. Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! is comfort reading that can allow kids to comfortable scale up or provide enjoyment as they practice mastery over story elements and sight words. The series by Ben Clanton has so much joy and movement in its story that young readers or parents will half expect the book to vibrate in their hands.

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! takes Rot and Snot, the two mutant potato, gives them a younger sister and adds chapter that extend beyond the illustrated book reach.

The lesson in The Greatest in the World! is one that younger audiences will get the most from. Those fourth-grade audiences would have seen its lessons before and will hang out for the humor, action, and art. Bottom line: this is a great format that spreads out the enjoyment that Clanton’s mutant potatoes can bring to elementary school readers. The fact that this is Tater Tales #1 gives hope that more adventures are coming down the pike for next year when their siblings are old enough to enjoy it or when they’re able to remember when they read the book last year.  

Tater Tales #1: The Greatest in the World! is by Ben Clanton and available on Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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