The Big Fat Notebook, middle school education they’ll want to read

Imagine if you put a Wimpy Kid book and a summary of middle school education-by their individual subjects in a magic blender. The result would be a book from The Big Fat Notebook series.  This is an immediately accessible book that serves as a refresher to anyone outside of middle school or a study guide for those in the thick of it.

This is a book that manages to dance between education and entertaining with such deftness you’ll all but want to go back in time to re-learn your respective classes. There is a Big Fat Notebook for World History, American History, English, Math and Science. We looked at The Big Fat Notebook for Science and it made us realize that we certainly weren’t as smart as a middle school student, yet.

The big fat notebook, science, STEM, education, students, math, English, science, history, wimpy kid, brain quest

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