Thieves of Weirdwood is middle grade fiction at its best

Somewhere between a Rorschach test and a literary M.C. Escher lays Thieves of Weirdwood. The back cover of the book says to beware your imagination. That’s a very apt thing to keep a hold of, or alternately, let go and completely surrender to this incredibly engaging and creative book. Thieves of Weirdwood works on so many level that it plays out like a movie inside your head as you’re reading it. While I was reading the book I simultaneously wanted to read the book quickly so I could find out what happens; but I also wanted to take my time so that the book would last longer.  

Middle grade readers: this is your next favorite book series

MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse, April 27-30 at 1ET with best-selling authors

Suddenly everyone’s a school teacher, and I mean that in the highest form of a compliment. With most school age children at home doing virtual learning to some degree; it’s a great time for some complementary classroom instructors. Macmillan Publishers, home to some of our favorite children’s authors is having MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse from April 27-30 at 1:00 PM ET. The lessons will include art, science, social studies, language arts and your instructors will be best-selling authors.  

Break up the home schooling with online classes by best-selling authors, for free
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