North Pole/South Pole:A Flip Book that delivers in content and presentation

Book design is an under-appreciated art. And to be fair, books, especially illustrated books, work just fine the way that the vast majority of them are laid out. It’s only when a book comes along that shatters the established mold that you realize how efficiently, and creatively a book can become. North Pole/South Pole: Pole to Pole: A Flip Book is one of those books. The key to its fun is in the flipbook, phrase. If the book weren’t accompanied with illustrations that are on point and text that’s informative and to the point, then that phrase could also have been a cheesy gimmick.

The result is an engaging illustrated book that utilizes every square inch of every page with its text and illustrations. Moreover, it’s a non-fiction book that loosely tells a story and concisely wraps it all up. The twist that makes the book unique is also head numbingly simple, yet could also be difficult to pair up with the yin to its yang.

North Pole/South Pole: Pole To Pole: A Flip Book that entertains, educates and has the potential to amaze readers aged 8 and up.

Oh Artic, teach us your tundra ways

Busy Spring, Nature Wakes Up is soft edutainment for 3-7 YO

Educational and entertaining illustrated books have a sweet spot in our hearts. Elementary school children want to be entertained, and they don’t mind learning. While parents or educators would prefer that the verbs in that previous sentence were flipped and that learning came first in the equation, it’s not. Busy Spring, Nature Wakes Up by Sean Taylor, Alex Morss with illustrations by Cinyee Chiu is an illustrated book that softly tells a story about a dad and his two daughters on an early spring day.

Fun, educational illustrated books for early elementary are possible

Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation, successfully sails and more

The first Thanksgiving was a good 399 years ago. It’s one of those holidays that elementary kids know the basics, but may not the reasons or its history. They know that they’re eating at the small table, part of the extended family will gather in one location, crafts are done, and sometimes football is watched. Our kids know the main vocabulary words like pilgrims, Indians, the Mayflower, and maybe where they landed. Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation is an illustrated book that can change that to some degree.

Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation is a historical, illustrated book that combines gorgeous art and age appropriate text for ages 9 and up.
An illustrated book about more than eating turkey on the fourth Thursday in November
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