Manly things dad can do on Father’s Day

With Father’s Day just around the corner dads around the nation are wondering how to spend their hall pass of laziness.  Being a Dad and knowing what we like to do, we wanted to offer this primer for any wives that may need to steer, or avoid activities for Dad.

Use a power tool

The other day Mommy Mojo asked us if we wanted to buy a power tool.  At first we thought it was a trick.  Then we thought that she had done something wrong and this was an effort to pre-empt any guilt or anger coming from us.

However, she said that she was indeed serious about our need for a new power tool.  Unfortunately the only power tool that we need now is an electric pole saw and we’ve been forbidden to purchase that, lest a limb be sawn off.  Said limb would be an arm or leg and not one that belongs to a tree.  Mommy Mojo has a fear of power tools coming to life a la Maximum Overdrive.

It could have been a trick.  Dads be careful if this briar patch from your bride rears its head.

If it’s not a trick, get out and saw something, trim something or make noise with a tool that can produce immediate, noisy results.

Listen to heavy metal

For some dads it may old school country or whatever shaped the soundtrack to your formative years.  Spend some time online watching cat videos or whatever makes you happy while listening to some good music.

For Daddy Mojo it’ll be some old school Ramones, Antrhrax, Metallica and Pretty Maids.  There may also be some cat videos from YouTube downloading too.  We’ll put the geek curtain around the office and veg out for a bit.

Watch anything on Discovery Channel

The Discovery Channel is the manliest network.  G4 may sometimes give Discovery a run for that title, but the vast majority of the time it goes to Discovery.

It’s a safe bet that anytime you turn it to Discovery there will be something on that will appeal to the testosterone set.  The stand outs on the network include American Chopper and Dual Survival.

While survival shows may have grown a bit stale, Dual Survival is entertaining, funny, male bonding, nature ass kicking fun.  Dave Canterbury and Cody Lundin are dropped off in realistic situations where tourists would find themselves lost, like in the mountains, dessert, rain forest, etc.

That does sound familiar.  However, Canterbury is ex Army and a genuine American badass  while Lundin is a minimalist that is a badass in his own way.  Lundin knows the ways of the ancient Indians, doesn’t wear shoes and looks like a hippie who would beat you down-but he’s super mellow and adds another dimension to the show.  Canterbury is the one who’s more likely to kill a gator or set little traps to catch mice.  The show is addictive, amazing and what the Mojo’s do every Friday night at 9 ET.

Hang out with the family

Roll the eyes and say that we’re adding brownie points if you must, but it’ll be fun.  Have some kids over, let them entertain Toddler Mojo, get some meat for the grill and relax.  Prior to this we’ll do all of the above though.  Happy Father’s Day Dads (& Mums) and plan accordingly!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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