International Delight Iced Coffee Light two glasses

International Delight Light Iced Coffee Review and taste test

I have a cat tongue*, yet I’m a parent who needs caffeine.  To make things more complicated I need to watch what I drink because those stealthy calories add up, especially if multiple cups a day are drank.  Enter the solution to my cold beverage craving mouth, International Delight Light Iced Coffee.

My schedule for drinking International Delight Light Iced Coffee varies. During the week I need a glass around 3:30 just to relax for a moment.  Granted, during at that time of day I also have two small children sharing the table and enjoying my ‘moment’.  So is that time really to relax or to enjoy the caffeine, you decide.

During the week I’ll get another glass at night when I start to work.  That glass is definitely for relaxation purposes, in addition to providing mojo to help me get some things done.

Iced coffe at night to work

My wife is more of a hot coffee person.   Her coffee radar went off over the weekend when I was pouring a glass for myself and she said, “ooh, what’s that?”

“It’s iced coffee, you probably wouldn’t like it”, I said, halfway being cheeky because she might like it, thus depriving me of some.

International Delight Light Iced Coffee two glasses

“Ooooh, it’s light, let me try some”, my bride stated.  She was in the kitchen to get a soda, which had more calories than the glass of iced coffee she was about to drink.  Low-sugar coffee is attractive to parents of all stripes apparently.

Prior to having drinks with reduced calories I might have had 3 in one day.  For those doing the math, that’s 210 calories that I did not take it-even less if you factor in those days when I have two glasses of iced coffee.

International Delight Light Iced Coffee Light label

So we both sat down, no kids in the room, she had a glass of International Delight Light Iced Coffee Mocha, while I had the Vanilla.    It was great and refreshing to have some adult conversation on a sunny weekend afternoon.

International Delight Light Iced Coffee is rich, creamy and tastes fabulous.  It’s relaxing to drink over ice or functional to have as is, if you’re in a hurry or working.  The price point at Wal-Mart is also fabulous and quite surprising.  A half gallon is between $3.50 and $4.00.  That is how much one iced coffee drink at a coffee house would cost and the taste is identical!  You can find International Delight Light Iced Coffee in the dairy case at Wal-Mart starting January 21.

International Delight Light Iced Coffee

You can follow International Delight Iced Coffee on twitter, Facebook and get some coupons (!) here.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®  and WhiteWave #CBias #SocialFabric.  All thoughts are my own and being the stay at home parent to two active boys under 4, we do need the caffeine.  

*A cat tongue means that you can’t drink hot beverages or eat (temperature) hot food too quickly.  That phrase also translates directly into Japanese, “Neko bero”. 

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “International Delight Light Iced Coffee Review and taste test”

  1. Dang, that sounds yummy. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the review.

    Your “taste test” with your bride reminded me of my senior year in high school. A friend and I had just enough change to buy a Pepsi, and Pepsi Clear. We found two plastic cups and performed our own taste test, just like the commercials. Amazing! They tasted the same, and what’s more, reminded me how much I don’t like cola drinks. Root Beer FOREVER!!!

    The Cheeky Daddy

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