Free fun for the fam-Giant Slayer Day at Mall of Georgia, Saturday, 2/23

Being a frugal dad my button gets pushed, in a good way, when something is fun and free.  If you combine the possibility of seeing a movie (for free) and reading, then I’m there.   It all revolves around the new Bryan Singer movie, Jack The Giant Slayer and takes place at Mall of Georgia from 1-3 on 2/23.

From 1-3 at the Mall of Georgia (lower lever near Nordstom Court) on 2/23 they’ll be having Giant Slayer Day.  Simons Kidgits Book Blast will be there collect any books that you want to donate and the first 50 members to do so will receive passes to an advance showing of Jack The Giant Slayer.  If you receive passes to the movie it will be shown at 4:00 on the same day.


Even if you don’t want to donate a book there will be complimentary refreshments, a Beanstalk bouncy, face painting, cookie decorations, book readings, GIANT giveaways and more.  There is no RSVP, simply show up and have fun.  It’s all free and kids will love it.  That, plus the Mall of Georgia has lots to do, come for this; then relax in the mall for a bit.  See you there!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Free fun for the fam-Giant Slayer Day at Mall of Georgia, Saturday, 2/23”

  1. I told my kids the traditional version of Jack and the Beanstalk. They were enthralled. They kept asking additional questions about both Jack and the Giants. Fun to see their imaginations soar.


    The Cheeky Daddy

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