A lighted patio set from Sears

The groundhog was wrong, Sears and #GrillingIsHappiness is now

The calendar says February, but in my dinner mind’s eye it’s April and I’m grilling out 2 or 3 nights a week.  If I were a true grill man then I would do it every month of the year, I realize that.   Grill 12 months a year or the fair weather grill man like me, Sears has you covered with #GrillingIsHappiness sale.

Ideally, grilling isn’t just cooking outside.  It’s an experience where you invite friends or family over, relax, sit down, share a drink and grill some grub.  We usually grill chicken that’s been marinating in a homemade BBQ sauce for at least six hours, some potatoes and veggies.   My lazy grilling self is ready for April now.

So #GrillingIsHappiness is all about making your grill experience yours.  That could be the high quality guest experience that includes the latest innovation in patio design: lighted furniture!

A lighted patio set from Sears

Maybe you want to really relax on your back porch with the Halley collection of patio furniture from La-Z-Boy and Bella Luna collection of patio furniture from Agio– both exclusive to Sears. Patio furniture that lights up?  That brings out my inner Tron geek and makes me want escape to my backyard grid now.

Grilling does start with the grill though and the Kenmore Elite Grill for summer 2013 from Sears boasts three burners, 692 sq. inches of cooking space and a warming rack.  Yikes, my grill is cowering in fear from the mere description of that powerhouse.  Casual to sophisticated, Sears can match your outdoor décor to your personality and price point.   They’ve also got free shipping on orders more than $59 or free in store pickup.

#GrillingIsHappiness with this bad boy, the Kenmore Elite Grill

Happy Late Winter!  Regardless of your grilling habits Sears has you covered with something that’s within your price point.  #GrillingIsHappiness is happening now at Sears, and all year round on your grill if you want it to.

This is a sponsored post.  I’m a Sears Blogger, though all thoughts are my own. Try not to say “get your grill on” without doing it to Get Your Freak On by Missy Elliot.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

One thought on “The groundhog was wrong, Sears and #GrillingIsHappiness is now”

  1. I think that I might be a much better griller if I could get a really great chef’s hat. You know, tall, white, and a big mushroom bell at the top! Yeah, that might just do the trick.

    The Cheeky Daddy

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