What does a 6 year old want to watch on Netflix? #StreamTeam

We’re part of the #StreamTeam for Netflix and were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own. By the time a kid is 6 years old they kind of know what they want and what they like. Ours has only grown up streaming television. When we go to a friend’s house that doesn’t stream he used to ask them to skip through the commercials or ask when the show was coming back on. Recap: he loves streaming. Right now he is really into Bionicle: The Journey of One, Dinotrux, (seemingly anything else with “dino” in the title too), superheroes and time travel. So, what does a 6 year old want to watch on Netflix? Here’s his list of go-to programs. What is your child watching?


Netflix, Pee-wee herman, Shushybye, Puffin Rock, Justin Time, Superhero Squad show, Dinotrux, Dinosaur King, bionicle the journey to one, bionicle, LEGO

Continue reading What does a 6 year old want to watch on Netflix? #StreamTeam

Hard working dad doesn’t’ shower daily, still #Smellegendary with Old Spice

I partnered with Life of Dad and Old Spice for this promotion. I fell asleep during my son’s karate class today. Last night I worked until midnight, woke up at 6AM, made lunch, breakfast, got the kids to school, worked in the morning and then picked up one of them from school at 11:00. It was his intention to go home and play the Shark Game, but I needed to go to the gym and work out. Suddenly it’s 12:30 PM and I still had to go grocery shopping, do the dishes, fold the laundry and fry the bacon up in a pan-which I would promptly eat. This is the typical day of the Hardest Working Dad. However, because I care for those around me I elected not to smell malodorous I used Old Spice Dirt Destroyer in the shower (no photos from that one-lest ye be 21, pay off our mortgage or go to our non-existent dark web site). On the contrary, I #Smellegendary.  Like marinara sauce on your pizza we also used Old Spice Odor Blocker under the arms-you can’t prove that it’s there, but once you taste it-or don’t smell me in this case, you believe it.

Old Spice, #Smellegendary, shower, dad, odor, stink, parenting, dirty, dirt destroyer, odor blocker, hardest working collection

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Spring Break in Atlanta: The World of Coca-Cola ticket giveaway

One thing I’ve learned since being a parent is knowing what’s in your own backyard. People come to town and want to know what there is to do. One of our go-to attractions in Atlanta* is World of Coca-Cola. It’s a beautiful facility that can keep the family entertained for about three hours. The kids and I go t here about four times a year and they have a kick every time they go.

World of coca-cola, coke, tour, bottle works, Atlanta, Citypass, Atlanta citypass

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All age comics for March 30, 2016

Holy all age comics with superheroes! This week is packed to the gills with action and humor packed superheroes. Usually it’s a two or three issue parade, but this week you’ve got your pick of the odd teens, mutant turtles and super ability folks to engage young readers. There are also a handful of humor titles that’ll jam on readers of Riverdale, the Disney Princess contingent and magical mountain villages.

In science fiction there are a couple Doctor Who books worth mentioning that have similarities to the Star Wars universe. Doctor Who Magazine #498 is for the fans and features a comic strip, interviews with the creators, merchandise and lots of Who stories. Doctor Who Adventures Magazine #11 has posters, comics and puzzle for the Doctor Who fan. The difference in these two is that the later magazine is for those fans that are slightly younger, say 8 and older. Both publications are OK for any age, but with the vocabulary and price point ($10.99 and $7.99) will mean that readers and parents who are Whovians only will want to dive into these two.

Dragons: Riders of Berk Collection, Figment 2: Legacy of Imagination, Ghostbusters International #3 and a couple others hit shelves for young readers too.

science fiction, all age comics, doctor who, young readers, humor, superheroes, skylanders, comic book

Hildafolk is a charming story for any age about a young girl who is daydreaming under a tree in the mountains and goes on a magical adventure. It’s from Nobrow Press and a creative book that is for those that want a fresh read to buzz on about.

Superheroes this week: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6, Skylanders Superchargers #6 and lots of others. What’s great about the all age comics this week that are superhero oriented is that they’re for boys or girls.

The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save up to 20%. If you’re looking for savings that are 50% or greater dig into their Scratch and Dent area-it’s awesome. Looking for your closest comic book store? Dig into the Comic Book Store Locator and you’ll be there by lunchtime.



Science Fiction

Daddy’s Home Blu-ray Combo Pack giveaway #BlogPopEvents

Even if the Daddy’s Home, starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg slipped through your movie radar you heard about this scene. It’s the scene where Will Ferrel’s character, Brad Whitaker is attempting to be the cool step-dad at a basketball game. He’s trying to make a long distance shot but accidently pummels the ball at a cheerleader’s face. This stunt went viral in the news and gossip sites and its planning is laid out in the Daddy’s Home Blu-ray Combo Pack.

Daddy’s Home, Daddy’s Home Blu-ray Combo pack, movie, film, will Ferrell, mark wahlberg, bloggers

The film takes a funny look at how a step-dad, who isn’t as cool as the biological dad as their competition for the family’s affection things go sideways quickly. The Daddy’s Home Blu-ray Combo Pack has 45 minutes of extra content including various making of features, deleted scenes and bloopers. Bloopers in a film that stars two very funny people-we’re in.  The combo pack also has a digital copy of the film so you can take the daddy funny on the run to view in the cloud.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bonus: the Daddy’s Home Blu-ray combo pack comes with a coupon for $15 off sports tickets when you purchase them through Ticketmaster.  The film is rated PG-13 for suggestive content, bad language and thematic elements. Parents can read between the lines and figure out that it’s a little crude, but not hard enough obviously to merit an R rating.

We’re part of a group giveaway for Blog Pop Events. It’s a group of bloggers who are giving away LOTS of stuff. To see the entire list of bloggers and the stuff that’s being given away just dig into the widget.


Shushybye is the bridge from lullabies to kindie, #BlogPopEvents

Somewhere between children’s lullabies and kindie that can keep the kids entertained is a dicey world of music. If the music is aimed too low then it’s for babies, thus alienating the older kids. When the music is too much then it upsets the younger ones; and a frustrated 2 year old is something that no parent wants.   Shushybye manages to thread that difficult line of acceptance so well the older kids will be nodding their head in agreement before they realize what’s happening.

Michael North, shushybye, babyfirst TV, kindie, music, gospel,

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$50 gift certificate giveaway to Fandango #BPopEvents

Movies! Who doesn’t like to go to the movies? It’s a night out with your wife, husband, kids, boyfriend, girlfriend, the guys, the girls or a night out alone-however you handle the experience it’s guaranteed to be awesome. Even if the film doesn’t measure up to your expectations it is a night out, so chill, relax and enjoy this giveaway for a $50 gift certificate from Fandango.

Fandango, #BPopEvents, film, movie, Fandango Family

I wouldn’t recommend seeing our most recent movie, however, what you see is entirely up to you. Rom com, drama, action, foreign-whatever. Fandango is your ticket for getting there. Enjoy the movie!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We’re part of Blog Pop Events, just follow along with #BPopEvents on twitter to see all of the cool giveaways that are going on for the next two weeks.

Is Batman V Superman OK for children? #FandangoFamily

This is a spoiler free review. Children love Batman and Superman, the titular characters in one of this year’s most anticipated films. Our 6 year old gave me the sad puppy dog eyes when I said that I was going to see it. Batman V Superman is rated PG-13, some films with that rating are OK for younger kids, while some aren’t. Is Batman V Superman ok for children? No, it’s not, but it’s not good for children for a number of reasons, most which I didn’t expect.

Batman v superman, review, zack snyder, kids, ben afleck, wonder woman, batman, superman, dc comics, marvel

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