Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

It seems like only yesterday I was a freewheeling childless guy who didn’t have a clue about what to expect in regards to raising children.  The learning curve from expectant father to Dad is huge and there are loads of questions that you don’t know you need to ask.

The old saying, you don’t know what you don’t know applies very well to expectant fathers.  You’re looking forward to it, but there is so much to learn and the only way to gain that knowledge is through experience.  It’s the yin and yang of parenting. Continue reading Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad

Ask anybody with a toddler and an iPhone or iPad and you’ll get the same response-“they won’t give it back”!  Our toddler is just 19 months old and loves, absolute loves our iPad.  The fact that he can control, learn and play with it makes his iPad time something he looks forward to.  Granted, he doesn’t know when iPad time is, as it usually occurs when he’s on the verge of a melt down or needs something to hold his attention. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad

April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Our iPad is a great piece of machinery.  As Toddler Mojo gets older we’re learning more and more that it can be an invaluable tool in educating him and keeping dad sane.  The iPad sure isn’t a toy.  However, all of those stories you hear about children loving the iPad are true and sometimes those quiet moments your child has with it are priceless.

Here are three great apps that can really help out mom and dad when yon toddler needs a distraction. Continue reading April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

As we are relatively fresh to the world of children’s books Arthur Geisert’s style and characters were new to us.  Arthur Geisert’s characters are pigs; real pigs that walk and interact with one another like humans do.  However, that is where any semblance of normal ends and a head tripping hog tale starts. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

Daddy Mojo reviews: LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Alphabet Set

We’re a little hesitant to embrace some educational toys.  Call us a little gun shy, but it seems like some manufacturers will slap the alphabet on a toy, call it educational and then watch parent purchase it.  A friend of ours gave us the heads up on LeapFrog’s Fridge Phonics. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Alphabet Set

The Chicken Thief is a children’s book, but we love it

We were in the library the other day when I stumbled across The Chicken Thief by Beatrice Rodriguez.   It’s a funny shaped book that’s more rectangular than most, has a cute bunny on the back cover  and Toddler Mojo was ready to go.  As a toddler tantrum was about to happen I checked out and didn’t pay the book any attention until I got home. Continue reading The Chicken Thief is a children’s book, but we love it

Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs

I love books.  Because of that it’s not too surprising that Baby Mojo loves books.  At bedtime either mom or I will read a book to him, then leave his bed light on while he sits in his crib and reads himself to sleep.  When we go into to change his diaper later in the night it looks like the Book Town mafia shot down our son with an outline of cardboard children’s books. Continue reading Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs

An iPad for under performing students in Georgia-UPDATE

Last week I wrote a post about the fact that the state of Georgia is thinking about purchasing an iPad for some of the under performing students in Georgia.  Unbelievably Georgia officials are still in serious talks and consideration to follow through on this idea. It was a bad idea last week and it hasn’t gotten any better with seven days of age. Continue reading An iPad for under performing students in Georgia-UPDATE

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