Green Monday, Coupons and more at Sears, plus a $100 giveaway

On December 12 and 13 Sears is celebrating Green Monday by taking it to Tuesday for two days of money saving madness.  Green Monday is the term that online retailers use to describe the 2nd Monday in December.  The deals are similar to those that you experienced on Black Friday, but without the crowds and being reminded of that catchy, yet horrible songContinue reading Green Monday, Coupons and more at Sears, plus a $100 giveaway

#Sears partners with Daddy Mojo for holiday deals and information

Yikes, it’s really time to get cracking on the holiday shopping isn’t it?  We’re excited about the new holiday partnership that Sears has with us.  The good news for anybody reading this is that Sears will be sharing information and giving away cash!  Free money is good and can help with a number of things, like new Craftsman tools, boots, exercise equipment, hunting supplies or a gift for your wife.  Continue reading #Sears partners with Daddy Mojo for holiday deals and information

Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

At several points in my life a large majority of my clothing had paint, dirt, rips or scuffs on it.  My wife once said that I looked like a cat burglar because I was going to sleep in all black clothing that had paint splotches all over them.  Thankfully she didn’t call the cops on me, but she did make me get rid of most of my handyman clothing. Continue reading Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

Real Steel: Interview with Dakota Goyo and swag bag-giveaway!

We saw Real Steel and it’s much better than its premise.  That sounds like a slam, but when your premise is robot boxing that’s guided by a father/son relationship, you’re not expecting too much.  The movie is really entertaining, packed with action and uses CGI very efficiently. Continue reading Real Steel: Interview with Dakota Goyo and swag bag-giveaway!

Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

I love my smartphone.  It’s my mobile office, photograph storage device, camera, email machine, Facebook checker and twitter sender.  My smartphone is also a fabulous way to kill time.  Granted, rare is the time when a stay at home dad blogger, with a part time business, has time to kill.  In those rare instances, it’s good to have something that can take your mind away and occupy less time than watching TMZ. Continue reading Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

Dad plays with WWE Defining Moments Mattel Figures-Giveaway!

Growing up I was very much into the WWF.  I’m old enough to grow up when it was still the WWF and not the WWE.  Now I would never confuse one of the highest spectacles of sports entertainment with an animal wildlife organization.  As a mature fan of the WWE I can still embrace the sport and remember the entertainers that paved the way for the young stars today. Continue reading Dad plays with WWE Defining Moments Mattel Figures-Giveaway!

Smelly men have no Mojo

Are you a stay at home Dad whose antiperspirant has ceased to be effective?   When you change your child’s diaper do they recoil is smelly terror when your raise your arms?   Are you a working Dad who goes to the office and always gets the cubicle away from other workers because the boss said ‘you work best alone’?  Do you single guys visit dank, musty bars next to paper mill plants and then say to your friends, ‘love that smell, is that jasmine’? * Continue reading Smelly men have no Mojo

Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Dads and Moms, you have to eat.  And as your title would dictate, you also have a child around you that needs to eat also.  How much you’re able to enjoy your time eating depends greatly on how old your child is.  At certain ages they segue from willing participant to screaming audience member, food throwing ninja to gradually accepting that eating is something that they have to do too. Continue reading Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

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