Whose Tools? isn’t just for DIY kids, but it helps

Our children immediately identified with Whose Tools?,  a new children’s book that teaches them 24 tools and the professions that use them. The book is surprisingly detailed, features six different contractors, like a mason, carpenter or plumber and has thick pages with simple words that are great for young children.

Whose Tools isn’t just for DIY kids, but it helps

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The new #SwifferDad videos hit the (cleaning) spot #ad

This is a sponsored post and we were compensated for it.  All thoughts and stories, regardless of how messy are true and our own. It’s a cliché to say that dads don’t clean. In some cases the spouse is much cleaner than them and that is 100% the case in our family. My wife is clean.  People don’t marry a guy to change them to the clean side.  However, sometimes I do feel like I need to ask my wife trick questions just to confirm that she’s not part of a deep undercover project being done by P & G.  SwifferDads  launched recently and showcases three real dads, in their natural habitat.

The new #SwifferDad videos hit the (cleaning) spot

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Bugs and insects got the memo on Orkin #LearnWithOrkin #ad

This is a sponsored post.  All thoughts are our own and the stories are true, even the ones involving bugs. We sat in on an Orkin presentation and learned about bugs.  As it was with Orkin, the bugs were of the noun variety instead of the adjectival kind, but we’re familiar with both kinds…unfortunately.

Ask the Orkin Man

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Naptime DIY: Remove excess molding

Molding is normally a blessing. It can accentuate rooms of any size and provide depth and elegance.  Our house however, has too much molding. It has so many angles that M.C. Escher would’ve called it confusing.  We have molding around the molding that’s goes around our windows.  There is even molding around the light switches. Our project today is to remove the molding that goes past the window area.

Naptime DIY: Remove excess molding

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Naptime DIY: Apply pre-emergent to your lawn

Every early spring my lawn is a multi-colored mess of dandelions, chickweeds, crab grass and other malcontents that dominate the space for three to four weeks.  Because the Bermuda grass in our yard is established it will choke out the weeds once spring finally finds its groove.  I know that all you have to do is to apply some pre-emergent and it will help contain and possibly prevent crabgrass from rearing its head.  Here is what we’ve learned from our research and practical application.

Naptime DIY:  Apply pre-emergent to your lawn

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Channellock giveaway and Gridiron Garage #Bpopevents #CLGGG

Previously we yearned for a pair of Channellock pliers.  We have a pair of pliers, but they aren’t Channellock and deep down I knew that our appliances knew.  It’s silly I know. Channellock pliers have a certain feel to them.  They’re fun to use, made in the USA and very distinctive.  In this post you’ll be eligible to win a Sample Gridiron Package of Channellock tools and enter to win the Channellock 2014 Gridiron Garage Giveaway.

Channellock giveaway from Daddy Mojo

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Daddy Mojo’s toy and tech gift guide

To a parent, toys and tech can be the backbone of your existence.  With two boys we know action and vehicle toys quite well, hint: Star Wars.  As a DIY guy I know a little bit about tools and I’m learning more about tech.  Just like the music, book and movie gift guide, this one has choices that you might’ve missed and a couple that are off the beaten path.

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Life’s Good with the LG selection at Walmart and NCAA Football #Ad

Dig this, it’s a sponsored by Lunchbox about #LGCFB and NCAA Football.  All opinions are my own.   Before moving to Georgia I was a East Carolina Pirate.  In my four years there (yes, 4 years-graduated on time baby!) I only missed a couple of football games.  They were all great fun and introduced me into the world of NCAA Football.  Since then I’ve realized that if you can’t be there in person you at least want to be watching the game on a great LG television, probably bought at Walmart for a great price.

Do Game Day right, With LG

Continue reading Life’s Good with the LG selection at Walmart and NCAA Football #Ad

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