Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

I’ve always wanted a pipe wrench.   The name sounds tough, combining two rugged words that make one super jagged word that actually serves a purpose and is made of steel?  That is bordering on testosterone overload.   I have a pair of Channel Lock pliers.  They do roughly the same thing as a pipe wrench.  But if a pipe wrench is Chuck Norris, a pair of Channel Lock pliers is John Stamos. Continue reading Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

I’m getting old: The evolution of tool to a Dad

Getting older is natural and I love it.  I embrace aging and the strengths that it provides you-like advanced wisdom or the ability not to be carded for alcohol.  One barometer of aging that I didn’t realize would be a factor is the word “tool”.  Over the years “tool” has been a band, an adjective, a noun and lacey-frilly things that get wrapped around the house on special occasions.      Continue reading I’m getting old: The evolution of tool to a Dad

Preschool Gems is a great toilet book and that’s a good thing

The books that have occupied my bathroom reading have changed through the years.  The constant for the past number of years has been The Far Side.  During my 20’s The Duct Tape book was there; along with some men’s fashion magazine that I never followed the clothing or grooming advice to.  My bathroom reading is still evolving now that I’m married and have children who are old enough to form somewhat coherent sentences. Continue reading Preschool Gems is a great toilet book and that’s a good thing

Music to motivate parents while potty training a toddler

Potty training a toddler is a mind numbing experiment tainted with wet pants and a strong, pungent odor.  It’s one of the necessary evils of parenting, potty training must be done.  If you and your spouse are just starting the potty training talk, here is an alternate way to sell them on the benefits of potty training your child. Continue reading Music to motivate parents while potty training a toddler

What do you tell your child to call their private parts?

We’re in the process of motivating Toddler Mojo to use the potty.  He’s just over two and a half, the potty has been purchased and now we’re waiting for it all to ‘click’.  Apparently it just ‘clicks’, that’s what every parent we’ve asked has said happens. Continue reading What do you tell your child to call their private parts?

Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

Congratulations go out to Jay Z and Beyonce who welcomed their first child into the world.  Congratulation also goes out to them for joining other (mainly) celebrities who’ve given their child a bizarre, potentially punitive name.  Continue reading Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

Pregnant ladies in the house, you’re all those things and a bag of chips.  I’m kidding about the bag of chips because that may be one of the few things you don’t have a craving for.  If you are craving a bag of chips then you can use another tired 90’s cliché like ‘talk to the hand’ or ‘don’t go there!’. Continue reading Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

Pregnant ladies, as you enter the later parts to the first half of your last trimester you’ve certainly noticed a couple of things.  Dads, you’ve probably noticed these things too, but sometimes it’s best not to mention them to your spouse, they’re a little on edge now.  But not you honey, you’re as normal as you ever were.  Continue reading Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

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