Dad’s tips on how to choose a children’s thermometer

When I was a child I remember my mother taking my temperature when I was sick.  That thermometer was a skinny glass tube with mercury in it, but it seemed to work.  When Baby Mojo was born we were given a gift bag of various medical things including a digital thermometer.  That thing worked like a charm until my wife and I went to see the doctor. Continue reading Dad’s tips on how to choose a children’s thermometer

Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

Moms, the past week has seen some major changes going on in that pregnant body of yours.  Compare a photo of yourself at the 24th week and now.  See how much rounder your belly is?  This time of the pregnancy is really special to those around you, so be sure to take plenty of photos.  Some pregnant Moms don’t like having their photos taken, (not looking at Mommy Mojo…..) but those photos make a great time capsule for your family down the road. Continue reading Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

Smelly men have no Mojo

Are you a stay at home Dad whose antiperspirant has ceased to be effective?   When you change your child’s diaper do they recoil is smelly terror when your raise your arms?   Are you a working Dad who goes to the office and always gets the cubicle away from other workers because the boss said ‘you work best alone’?  Do you single guys visit dank, musty bars next to paper mill plants and then say to your friends, ‘love that smell, is that jasmine’? * Continue reading Smelly men have no Mojo

Dad spends a night in the man cave: The Revenge

Mom had a business trip to visit one of her clients.  While dad certainly misses his bride for the night, he would also welcome some time in the man cave.   This trip had been announced for a couple weeks and not so secretly, dad had been making a man cave short list of movies to watch.  Mom tried to help by saying that dad could watch two movies in one night.  However, in reality, the short list was actually a real list of short actors in movies he’d wanted to see. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the man cave: The Revenge

Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

One day Toodler Mojo decided to sleep late.  Recently Toddler Mojo had been filled with mucus; the pack of snails had indeed bum rushed this helpless toddler and turned him into a slimy and angry little man.  He needed to sleep late.  However, upstairs my wife said, ‘sweetie, can you come up here?’

Guys know that tone of voice.  That tone of voice either says, please come here and explain what you’ve done or there is a genuine problem here.  Continue reading Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

A Dad channels Indiana Jones to purchase a Kate Spade purse

Remember the scene from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade where Indy enters the chamber of the ancient knight?  Indy looks around at all of the cups, grabs one of them and then drinks a gulp of water before killing all the Nazis.  I had to buy a purse for my wife and it was like that, except there were no Nazis and I didn’t get to meet an ancient knight; although the cashier was a good bit older than me. Continue reading A Dad channels Indiana Jones to purchase a Kate Spade purse

Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

The set up is simple.  Countless Dad blogs enter the online octagon to make the list that Circle of Moms will put out for their Top 25 Dad Blogs.  You click on a link that votes for said Dad Blog and only the Top 25 Dad Blogs remain.  It’s kind of like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Circle of Moms is playing the Tina Turner part.

Continue reading Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

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