Awkward questions from children: Daddy, what’s in your willy?

The many questions that a 4 year old asks are the stuff of legend.  Sometimes the questions from children will be earnest and straight forward.  It’s those other times when your children ask questions that are unexpected, innocent or just downright weird. Continue reading Awkward questions from children: Daddy, what’s in your willy?

A trip to purchase condoms gets awkward for dad

When I was 13 or so I went to the drug store to buy some condoms.   A group of guys dared me to do it because I was the ‘craziest’ and ‘would do anything’.   I was nervous when I bought the condoms and forgot what we did with them afterwards.  I think I just peddled off on my Huffy, went to a friend’s house and read comic books in their tree house.  Continue reading A trip to purchase condoms gets awkward for dad

Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

‘that’ dad can be taken many ways.  It’s the dad that is too protective, doesn’t allow freedom, wears annoying clothing or is hopelessly doing something that his children find embarrassing.   In this case I’m talking about that dad (or parent) that stops what’s happening when something is going on that is not right.  Continue reading Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

Naptime DIY: How to get rid of fruit flies

It is early fall and there’s a swarm of small, peppery specks flying around our kitchen.  They’re fruit flies are they are making their new abode at chez Mojo more comfortable. My first thought of fruit flies went to the outbreak in 1989 (and others); but after a little research I realized that the ones in my kitchen were a bit different from those pesky creatures. Continue reading Naptime DIY: How to get rid of fruit flies

Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

I’ve always wanted a pipe wrench.   The name sounds tough, combining two rugged words that make one super jagged word that actually serves a purpose and is made of steel?  That is bordering on testosterone overload.   I have a pair of Channel Lock pliers.  They do roughly the same thing as a pipe wrench.  But if a pipe wrench is Chuck Norris, a pair of Channel Lock pliers is John Stamos. Continue reading Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

3 Moms: 2 justified, 1 foolish

3 moms made the news for one reason or the other. Moms make the news all the time, but the fact that they are a mother rarely factors into that.  These stories illustrate why moms are great.  Well, the first 2 illustrate that fact, the third one is a desperate PR stunt by an entertainer. Continue reading 3 Moms: 2 justified, 1 foolish

Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

Dream Works Animation is partnering with Lowe’s to produce some children’s crafts that really have character.  These are the free children’s clinics that Lowe’s has in their stores.  Key words:  free, fun, Dream Works Animation inspired wood projects at Lowe’s and free. Continue reading Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

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