What does a stay at home dad do on Mother’s Day?

In a stereotypical situation the mom takes care of the kids, goes shopping, does some errands and cooks.  In those situations the ideal gift for Mother’s Day is a day at the spa or time away from the family.  This would leave the father in charge of the family where it’s presumed that the house would implode, the hot water heater would burst; no diapers would be changed and if they were it would result in the babies poop ending up on dad’s face.

Continue reading What does a stay at home dad do on Mother’s Day?

A Dad channels Indiana Jones to purchase a Kate Spade purse

Remember the scene from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade where Indy enters the chamber of the ancient knight?  Indy looks around at all of the cups, grabs one of them and then drinks a gulp of water before killing all the Nazis.  I had to buy a purse for my wife and it was like that, except there were no Nazis and I didn’t get to meet an ancient knight; although the cashier was a good bit older than me. Continue reading A Dad channels Indiana Jones to purchase a Kate Spade purse

The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

Guys are a tricky lot.  Sometimes aspects of our personality or behavior may not be what are best for hygiene, friendships or employment.  Part of that trickiness* can be attributed to youth, while other traits can only be laid solely on the backs of our Guy DNA. Continue reading The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

I was reminded of a tidbit of advice that a married friend of mine gave me many years ago.  I was over at their house and his wife was going up the street to run a couple quick errands.  On her way out of the room he said “Hey, I Love you”. Continue reading Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

Daddy Mojo sees a UFO

The other night my wife and I were watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Aside from the clothing and cars, that movie has aged very well.  When those little spaceships were zipping around Devils Tower my wife said to me, “Do you remember when we saw that UFO?”

I had to think for a moment and then I did remember when we saw a UFO. Continue reading Daddy Mojo sees a UFO

A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

It’s two movies, so seemingly attached at the hip that they deserve to be reviewed together.  Over a three week period my wife and I saw both of these movies.  We weren’t locked in a room with these movies and neither one was so bad that it look an excessively long time to watch; we were just really busy caring for our toddler. Continue reading A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

Family planning with White Lion

Becoming a dad and having children is a heavy, life altering responsibility.  It’s loads of fun, but does require planning and advance thought.  When my wife and I were thinking about having a baby she asked me for a motivational song to help us get pumped about the pending parenthood.

“How about Wait, by White Lion”, I said without missing a beat. Continue reading Family planning with White Lion

A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Attention guys:  Valentine’s Day is just over one month away.   Plan ahead and don’t get caught with that last minute box of chocolates and ‘coupon for loving’ that didn’t really work out so well the last time.  If you’re a boyfriend or husband, that special lady may say she doesn’t want anything but we all know what that really means. Continue reading A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

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