Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Date night for married folks can take many forms.  Sometimes it’s a spontaneous night on the sofa or perhaps an evening that’s planned out where you get a baby sitter and actually leave the house.  It is so important for couples to leave the house once in a while.  We do have those nights, but more often than not we have movie night at Chez Mojo. Continue reading Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Disney Social Media Moms was more than a seminar

Disney Social Media Moms is a social media conference in Orlando.  It focuses heavily on motivation and overcoming obstacles.  Disney Social Media Moms is attended by lots of mom bloggers, a couple Disney bloggers and a couple dad bloggers.  Continue reading Disney Social Media Moms was more than a seminar

Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

Because I drive the kids around most of the radio stations can’t be listened to because the music is too coarse for young ears.  My motto is that if they have to bleep out words, then it’s a station I don’t listen to with the kids.  It was shortly after driving with the kids that I started listening to country music. Continue reading Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

The Ramones & Arnold Schwarzenegger get rid of diaper rash

Any parent of a newborn will wrestle with the issue of diaper rash.  For those without children, diaper rash is a rash on the child’s skin, usually on their bottom.  It looks like it hurts.  I imagine sand spurs on my bottom, then duct tape them to my skin when I want to equate the pain that our newborn is having.  Continue reading The Ramones & Arnold Schwarzenegger get rid of diaper rash

Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Dads and Moms, you have to eat.  And as your title would dictate, you also have a child around you that needs to eat also.  How much you’re able to enjoy your time eating depends greatly on how old your child is.  At certain ages they segue from willing participant to screaming audience member, food throwing ninja to gradually accepting that eating is something that they have to do too. Continue reading Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Manly things dad can do on Father’s Day

With Father’s Day just around the corner dads around the nation are wondering how to spend their hall pass of laziness.  Being a Dad and knowing what we like to do, we wanted to offer this primer for any wives that may need to steer, or avoid activities for Dad. Continue reading Manly things dad can do on Father’s Day

Dad wears a Land’s End Mesh Polo, giveaway and review

Prior to getting married I was a true slob.  I cleaned my house with a leaf blower, only wore rock and roll concert t shirts, slept on a futon that was on the floor and took cold showers for months because I was too lazy to turn the hot water heater on.  The only way I had a collared shirt on it was if it got arrested.  And I haven’t been arrested in more than 20 years, so that would’ve been impossible. Continue reading Dad wears a Land’s End Mesh Polo, giveaway and review

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