Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Dads and Moms, you have to eat.  And as your title would dictate, you also have a child around you that needs to eat also.  How much you’re able to enjoy your time eating depends greatly on how old your child is.  At certain ages they segue from willing participant to screaming audience member, food throwing ninja to gradually accepting that eating is something that they have to do too. Continue reading Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Unfortunately, peanut butter and jelly only goes so far.  Eventually the toddler tires of PBnJ and will yearn for something new.  However, the food can’t be too new or scary, because then the toddler will just sit in the chair and yell “COOKIE”! Continue reading Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Daddy Mojo’s books for the Toddler: Story Time for Lamb

We stumbled across Story Time for Lamb by Michael Dahl at our local library.  It’s a cardboard book with bright colors and a big eyed sheep on the front cover reading a book.  After a quick glance on the back cover we learned that the book promotes early concepts, animal recognition, speaking skills and….wait where’s Toddler Mojo? Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s books for the Toddler: Story Time for Lamb

June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The iPad isn’t the patron saint of parenting and should not be used instead of good parenting; but it can certainly help entertain and educate children.  Toddler Mojo is 20 months old now and adores his iPad time.   He learns from it and has fun at the same time.  Granted some of the iPad apps have more fun involved than learning; but there have to be some enhancements of his fine motor skills going on there too.  Here’s a quick rundown of what Toddler Mojo is digging on the iPad this month. Continue reading June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

How waiting tables can help you be a better parent

Working as a waiter in a restaurant is one of those life skills that you don’t realize is a life skill when you’re doing it.  Similar to some people I worked as a waiter when I was between jobs or attending school.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but those skills that I learned during those many restaurants have improved who I’ve become as a parent. Continue reading How waiting tables can help you be a better parent

Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

One day Toodler Mojo decided to sleep late.  Recently Toddler Mojo had been filled with mucus; the pack of snails had indeed bum rushed this helpless toddler and turned him into a slimy and angry little man.  He needed to sleep late.  However, upstairs my wife said, ‘sweetie, can you come up here?’

Guys know that tone of voice.  That tone of voice either says, please come here and explain what you’ve done or there is a genuine problem here.  Continue reading Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

As we are relatively fresh to the world of children’s books Arthur Geisert’s style and characters were new to us.  Arthur Geisert’s characters are pigs; real pigs that walk and interact with one another like humans do.  However, that is where any semblance of normal ends and a head tripping hog tale starts. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

Papa’s got a brand new (diaper) bag

We love our pets in the Mojo house. I had two cats and two dogs, then one wife and now one child. At any point in time the animals have always outnumbered the people. All of the animals have adapted well to Toddler Mojo stumbling around the room like a pint sized Frankenstein. The cats have learned to hide in high places and the dogs have peacefully learned to sit near him when he has food. Continue reading Papa’s got a brand new (diaper) bag

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