Drawing Outdoors, aims for STEM but hits the wrong stream

Artistic freedom is at the intersection of Why Am I Creating This Street and Who Is This For Lane. Drawing Outdoors is an illustrated book about a fabulous teacher at a rural school and her very creative students. The pupils gather in the remote single-room house from a variety of trails that snake across the piedmont area. It’s a special day because the kids are told that their lessons will be outside. They’re going to explore, draw things in nature, imagine shapes and expand their horizons. Drawing Outdoors will appeal to lots of elementary-aged students, but there’s one elephant that’s presented early in the book that will water down most of the fun. You’re in for a time if you miss this because the kids won’t, and once they see it you’ll lose all control of the classroom, and the grand message of the book will be lost.

The goal of Drawing Outdoors is creative art interpretation, it succeeds in that, but has an illustration that some won’t be able to get past.
You’re in trouble with some kids if they read this

A Dinosaur Named Ruth, old soul, patient story telling with charm

I wanted more. That is not something that you think to yourself after many books. A Dinosaur Named Ruth brings up that thought as soon as you read the last word on the final two pages that show a young girl, and a dinosaur, looking wistfully into the prairie. It’s also not the story that you know. The dinosaur was called Sue, wasn’t it? Well, a dinosaur was called that, however, this story has more numerous subjects, and one that plays out in a more patient manner. It’s also worth noting that Ruth (the dinosaur) was discovered by its more famous T-Rex dinosaur who was found just down the road.  

A Dinosaur Named Ruth is the story that you think that you know, but instead is patient tale about knowing what you have.
A dino tale that elementary, illustrated book fans haven’t heard

Paint By Sticker Kids Dinosaur, interactive craft for busy, young minds

Our eight year-old is what I envision me when I was that age. It’s not destructive or malicious, but impossibly active. I always wanted to be doing something, anything and if it engaged my hands, as well as my brain then the activity would’ve been a win/win for my parents. Alas, back in the “vintage 80’s” as my children call it, there were no Paint By Sticker books. That’s right kids, it was the dark ages of children’s interactive books and we had to walk to school uphill both ways. However, now, for kids aged six and up they can entertain themselves for hours with Paint By Stickers Kids Dinosaurs.

Paint by Sticker Kids Dinosaurs is perfect made for kids six and up

Mammal Takeover! is a full immersion educational graphic novel

Graphic novels can be so much more than entertaining and fun to read. They can be educational!! Really, they can be and they’re so much more than what some parents, educators or kids might think that they are. The Earth Before Us series from Amulet Books is a great example of how much and how different a graphic novel can be. Mammal Takeover! is the third book in this entertaining and educational series that is about old school Earth.

Mammal Takeover! is a semi-deep dive graphic novel into the prehistoric story of Earth
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