All age comic books for March 25

New comic book day still happens for this week. Some publishers have announced when they’re new comic books will stop, slow down and how they’ll handle orders. Stock up this week and monitor their individual websites to see how they handle shipments. We’ll have more on that in a podcast.

For this week there are some great all age comic books that will entertain readers as young as seven and all the way through high school. What’s more, many of the comic book stores offer online ordering and physical pickup-with delivery to your car once you arrive at the store. If you plan this trip when you’re doing the weekly grocery shopping it’s a win/win situation.

The Giant series from DC Comics is great for introducing under the radar titles or characters. From Beyond The Unknown Giant is just that for us, we don’t know it, it looks loaded with action and is sure to entertain readers in middle school and up. Elementary school readers will want to read Sonic The Hedgehog #27 and Marvel Action Avengers #1. That same age group should check out Super Duck from Archie Comics.

There ARE new all age comic books this week-support your local store
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