MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse, April 27-30 at 1ET with best-selling authors

Suddenly everyone’s a school teacher, and I mean that in the highest form of a compliment. With most school age children at home doing virtual learning to some degree; it’s a great time for some complementary classroom instructors. Macmillan Publishers, home to some of our favorite children’s authors is having MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse from April 27-30 at 1:00 PM ET. The lessons will include art, science, social studies, language arts and your instructors will be best-selling authors.  

Break up the home schooling with online classes by best-selling authors, for free

Hello World!, bridges fun and education in a hunt and find book

There is a period in the lives of most young when Ethan Long is their favorite author. It’s that period after board books when they’re making the switch to illustrated books. Our youngest first discovered Long with Lion & Tiger & Bear: Tag You’re It! He loved its energy and art that it’s a book we’ve saved for the permanent library. Hello World! is the first in the Happy County book series that’s aimed at ages 3-6.

Hello World!, where story and education meet hunt and find books

For pre-school girls it’s a Rainbow Rangers world, now they can read it too

If you’re a preschool girl then it’s a Rainbow Ranger world and your parents simply live in it, or occasionally interrupt it to ask you to turn off the TV. Parents like the show because it has nothing but positive themes and young girls will like it because the characters are smart, solve problems and have flying unicorns.  If you’re a literary parent then the world of Rainbow Rangers might be new to you the MacKids is out to change all of that. They’ve printed four books that will appeal to children aged one through six.

Rainbow rangers, if you have a girl in pre-school then you know
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