Turkey TV and movies that are worth your time on Netflix

Hey, we’re part of the StreamTeam from Netflix and were compensated for this post. Having said that, we love movies and it shows. Turkey entertainment can take a variety of forms.  They’re the films that you expect to be slightly bad, but perform better than you expect. Are they good because they’re bad or so bad that they’re good? It could be the lightweight fare and exceeds or the potential trash you watch that all but puts glue to the sofa cushions with a two hour time lock. A quick tour of Netflix lent us these television and movie options that sure didn’t win any awards, but locked down a solid chunk of entertainment time in our house.

Turkey TV and movies that are totally worth your time on Netflix

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My Fair Lady: 50th Anniversary Edition does restoration right

My Fair Lady isn’t the type of movie that I normally watch. It’s from an era that I’m not too familiar with, doesn’t have any ninjas, people flying or cars crashing. In my heart though, I am a fan of movies. While I may not see some quality cinema for fun in my spare time I want to see it, just so I know hallmarks or special accomplishments in film. My Fair Lady: 50th Anniversary Edition has just been released and I wanted to see it from the perspective of a film preservationist and to view what many say is the best musical every made.

My Fair Lady: 50th Anniversary Edition does restoration right

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These are the three items at Best Buy that you need to save money #ad

We were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own and we really do like faster downloads, streaming TV, saving money and watching live TV. My wife and I are a great team and we each know our role. She’s the type that is less likely to start something while I’m the one that is less likely to complete a project. Know your role. Knowing that about us, I just completed three tasks from start to finish that will save the family money, entertain us more, frustrate us less and it all took less than one hour to accomplish. We installed a Nest Learning Thermostat, Netgear Nighthawk DST Router with DST Adapter and Sling TV; all from Best Buy, with each one doing amazing things.

These are the three items at Best Buy that you need to save money #ad

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Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix #StreamTeam

Hey there, we’re part of the StreamTeam for Netflix and received product for this post. All thoughts are our own and these shows really do rock. Our children are 4 and 6. Sometimes they watch television for relaxation and sometimes it’s done because I need them to sit and be quiet for a predetermined amount of time while I make dinner, finish a phone call or simply need a buffer for a moment. These are 9 of the children’s television shows on Netflix that we use as our go-to when we need that moment of zen.

These don’t include the obvious choices like The Clone Wars, Mighty Machines, Phineas and Ferb and Curious George. We’ll also try not to include television shows that we’ve previously highlighted, because variety is the spice of life, isn’t it?

Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix Continue reading Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix #StreamTeam

This is our go-to Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

The game. It could be the game for the college that you never graduated from, your adopted school, alma matter or you live in an area that is rampant with Saturday or Sunday afternoon anthropomorphic neighbors on the way to the stadium. Maybe it’s an ice rink or a dusty track in the country where horses with clever names do their best Jeff Gordon impression.  Homegating can solve your woes. It’s about staying at home, entertaining with great food and the best tech that can put you right into the game. HH Gregg is giving away $5,000 to make your fan cave complete, so that you can homegate with the best of them.

This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

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Robot boxing in our #ManCave, our wish list item at Best Buy

We’ve been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. Have you seen Real Steel? It a Hugh Jackman film from 2011 about robot boxing. It’s a fabulous film that my wife even liked, it’s not that she’s a movie snob, she just went in with low expectations-partially due to my constant raving about it. In my ideal man cave I would have a robot boxing ring like this vision of robotic wresting on the Best Buy site.

Robot boxing in our #ManCave, our long term wish list at Best Buy

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail at Fox Theatre with Terry Jones

Terry Jones, a founding member of Monty Python will be in Atlanta on Tuesday, September 8 to attend a viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail at Fox Theater. If you’re a fan of Monty Python, let that sink in for a moment. Jones will also be doing a Q&A after the film with special surprises.  This is ridiculously awesome.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Mutant Planet, Season Two is why you have a large television

We have a reasonably big television. Well, it’s 37” and fits in the space that we wanted it.  It’s big enough for most of the things that we watch, but it’s when we see things like Mutant Planet that I wish we had a bigger one. Mutant Planet, Season Two just came out on DVD and we were sent a copy, most likely to water my television envy and direct me towards purchasing a new one.

Mutant Planet, Season Two is why you have a large television

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