All age comic books for August 26

It’s new comic book day this Wednesday and there are a couple really bright spots in all age comic books. The publishing world is still adapting to the schedule that’s been shifting since March. Because of that, one of the funniest and most creative humor books we’ve seen in years is coming to comic book (and other) stores this week. We thought it was released back in the spring, but Attack of the Stuff is finally coming to stores. It’s from author/illustrator Jim Benton and is absolutely hilarious. It’s weird, might take a moment to get some of the jokes, but is one of the best graphic novels that you’ll pick up this year.

In all age comic books UnderDog will be just the sort of all age escapism for elementary aged readers. Those upper elementary (and up) kids will love Marvel Action Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man #47.  If they’re a little more cerebral and want something more indie, check out Usagi Yojimbo #12. This series is all action, being made into a Netflix series and has a samurai rabbit. It’s also one of the best all age comic books that you’ll see on a regular basis.

All age comic book with issues ahead

All age comic books for March 4

This week in all age comic books is not much to laugh at. Well, almost. There’s only one humor graphic novel that elementary aged students will enjoy, but that is a big one. The newest collection, Big Nate Blow The Roof Off! is the kind of book that mid elementary school kids are curious about and those upper elementary ages will read and memorize. Middle school kids also will read Big Nate and know that this comic book parallels their lives. In the podcast we’ll talk about that, Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Marvel Action Captain Marvel, Ben 10 The Manchester Mystery and much more.  For now, here are all of this week’s all age comic books.

These are the new all age comic books for this week
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